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Returning to life

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Sam222, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. Sam222

    Sam222 New Member

    if you started resuming your normal activity again, what steps did you take to get there? how did you get rid of fear associated with these activities?
  2. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    There doesn't seem to be one approach that fits every situation. It depends on where you're at, both mentally and physically. If you push yourself into physical activity and have serious doubts (fears about the pain), your brain could ratchet up the distraction symptoms/ produce that pain you're worried about--and you could potentially set yourself back.

    However, there was a time for me when returning to normal activity in a fast way helped me confirm 100% that my back pain was entirely TMS. My doubts dropped when I found that I could engage in strenuous activities without pain. Another time I thought I really broke my back when I pushed myself (kind of a funny memory now, but terrifying for a short time when it happened).

    This thread is excellent and worth a read:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/reduce-pain-and-then-resume-activity-or-vice-versa.19076/ (Reduce pain and then resume activity, or vice versa?)

    This thread (older, but extremely relevant) might be helpful as well:
    (Forest's post at the end of the thread is a good one.)
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/issue-with-q-a-how-do-i-know-that-its-safe-to-resume-normal-activities.2433/ (Day 18 - Issue with Q&A: How do I know that it's safe to resume normal activities?)
    HealingMe and Sam222 like this.
  3. Sam222

    Sam222 New Member

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful response @Bonnard !! I think gradually increasing my activity has been helpful for me as well. There was a point where I hardly walked because of my sciatic pain. Now I find walking around the house helps with it. :) I guess it’s certain activities that I’m still fearful of so I’ll have to work on those maybe gradually re-introducing very slowly. Thank you so much for the resources!
    Bonnard likes this.
  4. lindyr

    lindyr New Member

    I know I have TMS and there's nothing medically wrong with me so I kept telling myself that and that I was safe and just started increasing weights at the gym; baby steps.
    Sam222 likes this.

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