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Right or wrong way to journal?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by brendan537, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. brendan537

    brendan537 Peer Supporter

    hi everybody I am just wondering what ways of journaling worked for some of you and if you can explain how wrote. I am finding it difficult to journal I don't know where to start. Anyone else have this problem?
  2. Huckleberry

    Huckleberry Well known member

    Funny as was just thinking about this the other day. I knew about TMS for about 8 years and knew that journalling was obviously one off the core strategies in dealing with it. Even though I had this knowledge it took me about 5 years to actually start to journal and then I would give up each time after a day or two as it felt that I was doing it wrong and therefore was a waste of time etc.

    Looking back I can see this was probably a perfect storm of perfectionist thinking and more tellingly that my sub-conscious was sabotaging me in the hope that I would just put it aside and stagnate in the same situation.

    Bottom line is that there really isn't a right or wrong way to journal...all you are doing is allowing yourself to bring forward a thought and disassociate yourself from it, the important thing is that you start.
    brendan537 likes this.
  3. brendan537

    brendan537 Peer Supporter

    i do this all the freakin time thank you so much for sharing i truly appreciate it.
  4. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Brendan,

    You may find this page useful...

    http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/How_do_I_journal%3F (How do I journal?)

    Best regards
    Gigi likes this.
  5. Ines

    Ines Well known member

    mike2014 and brendan537 like this.
  6. Leonor007

    Leonor007 New Member

    I feel Journaling is like psychotherapy. You just write whatever is on your mind in your paper. It will be a surprise for you how much you can write about anything.
    Ines likes this.
  7. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    You're most welcome, Ines. I'm glad you'll find it of use.
    Ines likes this.
  8. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Long before tms appeared in my life I had an established habit called 'The Morning Pages' which basically is a practice of writing three full pages of stream-of-consciousness first thing in the morning. No pausing. No thinking. No chance for the inner critic to start voicing opinion.

    It was devised by Julia Cameron, who is an author and screenwriter. It is the backbone of a book called 'The Artists Way' which is a ten week method for unblocking. It's actually an excellent program for all people, not just artists. I think we all benefit from a little more creativity and a lot less judgement.

    I can elaborate more if it helps.
    mike2014 and brendan537 like this.
  9. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    There is no system .....right freely and throw it away...tearing it up helps more in the realsing part..dont over think it..also there is no set time or rules write your thoughts as they come swear be as black and white as possible dont worry about grammar and all the other bull shit.
  10. brendan537

    brendan537 Peer Supporter

    Please do
  11. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi wonderful Plum, I'm quite curious about this. I'd love more information. Thanks kindly,
  12. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ok, The Morning Pages is one of the basic tools Julia Cameron devised to connect us with what she called our 'spiritual electricity.' Her intention was to help us transcend our limitations and immerse ourselves in our own creativity. For our purposes, I would like to suggest that you embrace your healing as a profound and really quite beautiful act of creativity. Because it is you know. You are taking the clay of all your life experiences thus far and with your hot little hands you are shaping an angel.

    Henceforth all the following suggestions apply:

    Be compassionate with yourself
    There is no right or wrong way only your way
    Given that this is an act of creation, you can create anyway you like
    There are no wrong lines
    Nothing is prohibited
    Mess is encouraged

    I'm going to quote Cameron directly:

    "What are the Morning Pages? Put simply, the morning pages are three pages of longhand writing, strictly stream-of-consciousness: "oh, God, another morning. I have NOTHING to say. I need to wash the curtains. Did I get my laundry yesterday? Blah, blah, blah..." They might also, more ingloriously, be called brain drain, since that is one of their main functions.

    There is no wrong way to do the morning pages. These daily morning meanderings are not meant to be art. Or even writing. I stress that point...writing is simply one of the tools. Pages are meant to be, simply, the act of moving the hand across the page and writing down whatever comes to mind. Nothing is too petty, too silly, too stupid, or too weird to be included.

    The morning pages are not supposed to sound smart - although sometimes they might. Most times they won't, and nobody will ever know except you. Nobody is allowed to read your morning pages except you. And you shouldn't read them...just write three pages...and write three more the next day.

    All that angry, whiny petty stuff that you write down in the morning pages stands between you and your creativity.* Worrying about the job, the laundry, the funny knock in the car, the weird look in your lover's eye - this stuff eddies through our subconscious and muddies our days. Get it on the page."


    In essence that is it. It is best to do them in the morning but not imperative. Actually doing them is the thing. Give yourself two or three months to get into the flow and hopefully you'll find journaling becomes easier, and maybe the morning pages will serve as a journal.

  13. Orion2012

    Orion2012 Well known member

    Everyone is different, but I found that I needed to write with ink on paper (word processing didn't cut it). I also prefer writing prompts than journaling without any guidance. The structured therapeutic journaling in Unlearn You Pain seemed to work for me.

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