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Sciatica worsens when pooping

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Bicepmuffins, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. Bicepmuffins

    Bicepmuffins Peer Supporter

    I overcame sciatica as one of my first tms symptoms and I was able to confront it and it went away. I get some pain down my leg every once in a while but mostly I'm pain free or at least I'm filtering the pain out usually.

    I noticed that when I bear down to poop I get sciatica increased and this is normal due to constrain of muscles in the affected area

    How do you determine what's structural? It's generally not causing issues but then my muscles tighten around the area and there's a correlated pain down that area. Finding it a bit depressing
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Hey there,
    TMS moves around. It also doesn’t always go totally away. I can’t diagnose you —nobody on here can. But, it sounds like TMS to me. If you worry, you will make it way worse. I’d go back to the basics of healing. Do more work.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey @Bicepmuffins,

    Indeed, we have that caveat on every page about getting checked out for any new symptoms, but by the time most people land here they've already been thoroughly checked out, and constantly running for medical attention for every sensation is generally just another distraction and a block to recovery. I understand you've already done all that in the past (not all that long ago as I recall) and now you're faced with what is likely to be your first "new" experience of the Symptom Imperative, leaving you reluctant to automatically run to seek medical reassurance. This is good!

    I wish I could give you a straightforward answer, but of course as you know there is no such thing in this work. But let's see what I can come up with.

    Don't forget that this work is never really done. There will be setbacks, both major and minor. Each time will teach you a bit more about your body and your brain, and your recoveries will be easier and quicker. You do need to develop enough of your own common sense to know when a symptom is urgent (any of the vascular emergencies for example, from stroke to heart attack to DVT) vs the many minor sensations that the TMS brain can concoct for its fear-based distraction-repression cycle.

    With all that in mind, ask yourself: Is the nature of this symptom such that it is likely to be of immediate concern? Or is it reasonable to try assuming that it's likely to be TMS, and if so, can you mindfully commit a reasonable amount of time to the TMS process?

    If you decide this is the way to go, then you just need to engage your rational brain, calm down your irrational brain, and apply your TMS skills. Many of us get out the pen and paper and do some SEP-style or Nicole Sachs-style emotional expressive writing.

    The more often you practice this, the easier it gets and the quicker you move on.
    ValkyrKai likes this.
  4. Bicepmuffins

    Bicepmuffins Peer Supporter

    Thank you. its so much easier to feel relaxed by hearing the repetition of .. TMS can do this. It's such a challenge to constantly have to question the impact that a TMS symptom has on your long term health. These things are benign and I find that that's a lie thats helpful to move a symptom bc the belief its benign reduces anxiety attachment but they have actual consequences.. sometimes. As you said, its a case by case basis.

    I have had something like 30 conditions now of which 90% have been conquered but symptom imperative is relentless. I have been trying to address the root cause and suppressed emotions through Internal Family Systems therapy and its been helpful. Sometimes when I access a suppressed part of myself all of my TMS symptoms will fire off like a symphony and lets me know I am touching on the root. I have healed some things through this.. but journaling is also a necessity for me.

    At this time, I rage onto a piece of paper saying all of the angriest things I can until I have exhausted that energy but I would love more useful options to journal help.
  5. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    What about your perception of self? Has that changed along the way? Have you been able to embrace things you love, feel confident in your self-identity?
    I think for some people who have struggled with this, it is an important piece of their TMS work. I know it is for me!
    mytmsjourney.com has excellent free journal prompts to work in these areas!

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