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Shin Splints

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by shadowson, Aug 25, 2024.

  1. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    I’ve had shin splints for 15 years. It stops me running and playing sports. I even had a fasciotomy surgery after they said it was compartment syndrome.
    It did nothing. Made it worse if anything.

    any suggestions or success stories for shin splints?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    You don't need a success story...this isn't the Washingtonian's or a faith healing. It is TMS and once you learn the manifestations, which are all in the BOOK, you don't need to check and recheck every symptom.

    My early TMS was diagnosed as 'shin splints'...it was easy to believe as I even had serious trauma and bumps all over my shins...and that was BS. It was just another place for the sciatic nerve to create a 'believable' symptom to distract me. Later, when I read the BOOK, I could see that it mostly troubled me when I was under severe pressure.
    and it went away forever after the resolution of my back symptoms
  4. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    Thanks, appreciate it. You’re right. But for the record I’ve read the books a few times.
  5. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Book cure happens to many, but not all. Some have to do more work. This is why there are structured programs on this site. They are free to use. It took some of us years of hard work to recover, but we did it!
    HealingMe and shadowson like this.
  6. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    Thanks. Yeah I’ll keep trying but hard to have any hope after 15 years of chronic pain.
  7. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It doesn't matter how long you had your pain before.
    HealingMe likes this.
  8. Grateful

    Grateful Newcomer

    Hi Shadowson

    I had complete success with Shin Splints. They diminished very quickly once I ignored them and all the limitations they were putting on me. And re-reading the books. However my later TMS symptoms are proving a slower heal and requiring more sustained, deeper work via journalling/therapy.

    What happens when you ignore the pain and do activities anyway?

    Have you journaled on your frustration around the fact they haven't healed yet?

    What about other healing activities - what are you doing to address underlying stress/fear/rage - you don't provide any details on this.

    Wishing you well

  9. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    Good to hear that you had success…

    The pain is up and down for me. I play football once a week, some weeks they murder and others I can’t feel them

    I’ve not journaled about them at all tbh. I struggle to consistently journal because I find it to be a chore… I need to try and do it more I guess. I journaled every day for 28 days a while back and saw no benefit

    in trying to squeeze in some meditation and I listen to healing frequencies every night but generally I see no improvement in all my symptoms
  10. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Hi Shadowson,
    Yep, it’s a big fat chore! Self discovery. Not for the faint of heart. You’re going to have to Dig Really Deep, and consistently, to heal. Therapy helps. Takes a lot longer for some of us. The alternative is the life you are already living, or worse. Either way, you pay.
    shadowson likes this.
  11. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    Thanks - yeah I went very deep in those 28 days. Didn’t see any difference. I’ve given up on healing now, it ain’t happening.
  12. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Your call. But it can take years. Peace.
    shadowson likes this.
  13. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    Thanks. Yeah I’ve been trying TMS stuff for about 5 years.. sod it
  14. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member


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