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Somatic Experiencing-Hey it works

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Eric "Herbie" Watson, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello everyone, missed you all while I was gone, in case you didn't know im Herbie that forest talked about in the favorite somatic experiencing thread- Eric Herbert Watson- on with my story. My dad pasted away and it took a lot out of me. Felt like a part of me left when Pops left , something empty on the inside.I went to the funeral and accepted as much as a person could expect.I just ran and collapsed when I saw my dad lying there.
    Were identical in a lot of ways and his hands looked just like mine when I touched him to say my last good bye, very surreal and emotional.I faced and went through all the good times we had together Cried a lot , I didn't want to hold back any emotions that might cause pain to set in. About a week passed and as I tried to go about my normal work I couldn't get that experience off my mind- it had a grip on me and the back, neck , and basically pain all the way to my feet came back.
    Before my dads passing I've been pretty much pain free for a year. I tried the ignore method and this time ignoring the pain just wasn't working. I've heard quit a bit about Peter Levine's somatic experiencing and decided to give it a try Now take into consideration I've wrote lots of post about Claire Weekes and Sarno and stand behind these two Giants considerably.
    I even wrote a post where I said don't focus on the pain , this was early in my recovery and as I tried to mix facing and floating with Sarnos ignore method it didn't turn out well and actually brought pain back on- the floating.
    I have to admit when I focused on the pain a year ago I didn't accept it in a calm manner I was mad at it and I know now that's why it didn't work for me back then, a year ago. We grow and learn here at Tms.wiki ,and learn I did. With the pain not seeming to dissipate after it set back in after the funeral I decided to try Peter Levine's Somatic experiencing. I went and meditated calming my mind and just thought about the pain in my body, I wasn't trying to fight it or argue with it. I was just trying to see what would happen if I just acknowledged it being there and not fearing it. To my surprise the pain let up. It took me about thirty minutes of just thinking in calmness and acceptance and not getting angry. I did have thoughts of my dad come into mind and it was good memories, I just smiled and went with it. Now later in the day the pain came back and I went and did the same protocol as above and cool. It just slowly resided, I noticed I had had a cramp that always appeared in my legs while working in the hot sun trying to set in and I just said peace be still , the knot or cramp just relaxed and I got up and went about my day pain free.
    It did take me about two weeks of doing this for my body to know I was onto it and accepting it. Now six weeks later the pain is gone -- I still do the somatic experiencing. I do wake up with a back ache in the mornings since and I just lay there a few minutes and experience it. it just goes away within those few minutes and I get up and go about my day. This is another tool I've really come to rely on since my fathers passing. It has helped me get back to joy where I really like being. I hope this explains it as well as I experienced it , its great knowing im back and doing well.
    God bless
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
    MWsunin12, JanAtheCPA, Becca and 3 others like this.
  2. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Eric, my love, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My blessings to you, to your dear dad, and your family. I had wondered where you were and did miss your voice. It is a credit to your kind and generous heart that you would take something so personal and share with everyone here. Always inspiring and much beloved, it is good to have you back.
    May you be at peace.
    May life treat you gently.
    Love and warmest hugs x
    eric watson and Forest like this.
  3. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. It is very difficult to loose a parent. Sometimes, it brings up all different emotions and thoughts.

    I so missed you and reading your posts.

    I am presently reading Levine's book on Healing Trauma. I have not gotten far yet. It is very fascinating to me.
    I think there is a lot of wisdom in this book and Somatic experiencing. This book has a series of steps to release trauma.
    I have not tried them yet but am looking forward to trying them.

    Please, keep us posted how you are doing. You very much loved on the Forum.
    eric watson and Forest like this.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Plum, G.R. , Thanks guys, your special to me
    Im really doing great, its good to know I've learned how to beat the tms bug again
    with a new weapon, I didn't know how it would turn out
    im really grateful to still be learning new ways to help myself and others
    Alan Gordon's program really opened my eyes to try this style
    I have a new hope now that im better again.
    The morning pain is about gone too
    I really like these different approaches and tend to keep learning every one I can
    Plum the way you help folks has really opened my heart
    you have a way of letting folks know you care with just a word.
    G.R. you were and still are a friend from quit some time ago
    I don't think youll be disappointed at all with your experience
    your post to me in the past are hanging on my wall,
    Two great friends I love to keep up with- G.R. congratulations on your upcoming events
    I keep a prayer for the both of you in my heart, God bless
    Forest likes this.
  5. Anne Walker

    Anne Walker Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for posting this Eric. I keep trying to accept the pain and ignore the pain and it is a struggle. I realized as I was reading your post that I am really angry with it. How did you let go of the anger? It'a hard to let go without feeling like I am giving up.
    eric watson and G.R. like this.
  6. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    Eric, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
    Thanks for sharing another tool that can be helpful.
    Two months after my Dad's death my latest bout of TMS pain arrived with a vengeance. I didn't realize the connection for quite a while.
    I think there's a lot to be said for simply acknowledging and "sitting with" the pain. Not sure if that makes sense, but it is a tool I've used.
    Blessings to you on the journey.
    eric watson likes this.
  7. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    eric watson likes this.
  8. chickenbone

    chickenbone Well known member

    Eric, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father. We are all so glad to have you back on the forum. I began doing somatic experiencing about 3 months ago after reading Peter Levine's book "In An Unspoken Voice" which I thought was fantastic. I think, if you read Claire Weeks carefully, this is what she was getting at also. There is a part in her book where she suggests that if you become more familiar with your pain and symptoms, even dare them to get worse, you will find that you actually fear them less and that lessens them. I went about as far as I could with other methods and this one has worked the best for me so far.

    I am so happy that it seems to be working so well for you. To a lot of people at first, it sounds dumb, but it really works if you are patient with it.

    I don't think this is incompatible with the idea of focusing on the psychological instead of the physical. You are not focusing upon a physical cure, as in some type of medical intervention. What you are really doing is focusing on a psychological cure for a physical problem, by directly addressing your unconscious mind (through your body).
    Forest and eric watson like this.
  9. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Eric, I really do love you. You have become a touchstone of faith and sunshine and all things good for me. There are many good people here but you are my hero. Take good care my dear. xxx
    eric watson likes this.
  10. Becca

    Becca Well known member

    Eric, I’m so sorry for your loss. You and your family have been in my thoughts.

    I have to say, I am just in awe of you. You have a level of self-awareness and strength that is just incredible...understanding and being able to admit why focusing on the pain didn’t work before, being open to somatic experiencing in the first place, being able to successfully do it, which, from what I gather, requires you to remove anger from the equation...it’s inspiring.
  11. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank You . Gigi your words of compassion fall on fertile soil- I have the book now and will take plenty of time reading it- I got the mentioned protocol above from reading posts here from all our friends. I've been at this for quit some time now and I've used eft in the past to help with many issues along with countless other therapies and Tms healing therapy- its great to know I have a new friend. ill be posting a lot more as the days pass- it helps all of us tons to have our tms.wiki community here, we can extend a loving hand from across the continents
    its so important to have all of you guys, as Steve Ozanich wrote in the beginning of his masterpiece book (The Great Pain Deception)- life is relationship
    Gigi and Forest like this.
  12. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    chickenbone my dear and beloved friend, thank you so much for your words of encouragement and wisdom- you've grown so much in your wisdom and I thank god I had a chance to become friends with you some time ago, you have lots of great post that I have been reading and learning from- I thank you so much for for your kindness and hope. I like how you pieced Claire Weekes knowledge with Peter Levine's- it does make sense chickenbone, lots indeed- see as you mentioned the two I thought that's how I stayed calm with the experience- floating- I got hard headed for a while and wouldn't mix Claires floating with but only anxiety issues and as I studied somatic experiencing I understood her floating is a form of somatic experiencing , now that took a year for me to put the two together but its a sweet surrender to know- God bless
  13. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Plum your compassion is as beautiful as the sunshine - your a faith builder- a true leader among leaders
    your words of poetry paint pictures of lighted lightening in a pink noon sky- I love you too my friend,
    and how can I not take care with a friend like you- thanks again for that 1 word- god bless
  14. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Becca thank you so much for your words of gratitude- where would we be without your hand of hope helping with all you do here at Tms.wiki
    I am amazed with your full time schedule and you still take all this extra time to be here for us
    Helping us be able to see and hear each others voices and connect at a closer level- your an awesome inspiration- God bless you
  15. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Anne ill be in Austin texas very soon, ill be writing you more and would love to just chat sometimes if that's ok- I have lots to talk about and ill be getting more together very soon to this question that is a very complex yet very intelligent question- God bless you Anne Walker
  16. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks so much for sharing this Eric. Reading about seeing your father takes one's breath away and I have always loved how real and in touch with your emotions you are. It's something I really admire because it's something that I have always struggled with. It's part of why I think we make such a good team on the podcast.
  17. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank You Forest, Im so glad to be part of the team. Your a giant of knowledge and inspiration, I really like how you always have the right words at the right time. The podcast last night was really cool- Wow. You, Joy, Bruce , becca, Tennis Tom, and Stock trader -- how much more could you ask for- a round table of overcomers with hearts as big as Texas- True Friendship and caring.
    Now that's a Five fold cord that cant be broken, I missed njoy- she loves to shoot it straight- powerful. I mentioned about the getting to moving phase in our inner bully talk. I love the way all the guys and gals had plenty to talk about- Thank You Alan Gordon.
    The other half of the getting to moving phase I know Steve Ozanich meant was to have friendship and don't be in solitude so much, getting out just to speak about a western blue sky is a powerful antidote for us especially if were stuck in one place to long. I remember taking a lot of friends to the mall just to walk and talk and the smiles of joy in their hearts gave me so much energy - life is relationship, great words from Steveo.
    Even if were stuck in the house - being able to come here to tms.wiki and speak to this caring community is a very powerful tool. I know ive been helped time and time again here I guess im trying to say true friendship can go a long way in defeating the inner bully and healing.
    god bless- till later gater
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
    Forest likes this.
  18. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Brilliant words, Eric. I think that that is the key. TMS wants to isolate us. It wants to pull us away from people. But, to different degrees, everyone needs human connection to be happy. Like, just last night, I was speaking to someone who said that he never had his TMS pain when he was with people.... hmmm....

    People get us out of our own skin and back into engagement with our lives.
  19. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    I think relationships are the key to TMS recovery. When I first had a serious bout with TMS back pain in '97, there weren't many resources. I just kept re-reading Sarno's book Healing Back Pain. Now I feel very blessed to have the TMS wiki, the SEP, links to books and authors, and the insights of many wonderful people who know what it's like to struggle with TMS and recovery.
    I don't post on a regular basis, but when I get on I look under Recent Posts and feel free to join the discussion. It works for me.
    Thank you all.
    eric watson likes this.
  20. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm glad you drop by, Gigi! It's wonderful to have people around us who get what we are going through. :)
    eric watson likes this.

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