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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Seanh153, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. Seanh153

    Seanh153 Peer Supporter

    I'm wondering if anyone has any experience in dealing with stiffness in certain areas? My thumb joints constantly feel like they're stuck - I can't relax them, and movements are difficult. There is also pain, though the stiffness concerns me more. It can ease up during exercise/activity, but my thumbs will spasm/tremor quite badly afterward.

    What keeps me from thinking that this is TMS is how it only seems to affect both of my thumbs. I'm aware that anxiety and stress can cause stiffness and muscle tension, but that seems to be a widespread issue, whilst my symptoms are in very specific places. I've had this issue for over 3 years now, and nobody can find anything wrong - X rays are fine, ultrasound doesn't show any joint inflammation, and bloods are all normal. Physical examination doesn't show anything wrong either, aside from tight muscles in my hands and forearms.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I would recommend you read Freedom From Nervous Suffering by Dr Claire Weekes. She describes "nervous aching" - although she describes "stiffness" differently than you do, it's all the same thing. She discusses it in the first chapter, and specifically talks about how people with "nervous suffering" (anxiety) tend to go to the Dr. searching for answers, are convinced there is nothing physically wrong, keeps their thoughts focused on their physical sensations and how they have trouble relaxing because their minds, bodies and nervous system are always on high alert.

    This is very in line with both the work of Dr. Sarno, and the Structured Educational Program which is available free, at TMSwiki.org

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