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Testicle/back/thigh/groin pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Veenooms, Jan 29, 2025.


Is this TMS?

  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Veenooms

    Veenooms Newcomer

    Hey guys,

    11 years ago I had an acute form of epididymitis caused by chlamydia (I cleared the infection with a long session of antibiotics) but the pain gradually came off. It also moved around my body from back to buttocks to everywhere during that period and I was extremly depressed and had massive stress during that time in my life.

    It took about 2 years for all the symptoms to come off (but I remember being on trips etc and having joyful time during this period were I did not feel the pain at all).

    But since 2017 I haven't had any problem at all. I believe it was because I began working and hit the gym. My mind was somewhere else and the pain vanished.

    Now I'm back. I live under enormous pressure at the moment from work etc and I had a really tough period with my gf. We fought a lot and we were about to split up. I live under constant fear of contracting her genital herpes also which is on my mind 24/7.

    About a month ago I began being stressed about maybe having caught the herpes virus and I felt a sensation in my leg. This sensation moved up my groin. I began freaking out and being very depressed. A couple of days later i began feeling a tingling sensation/ache in my left testicle and soon after in my lower left back. This has been like my nightmare returing.

    I know it is not something infectious. Every test shows negative and I also tried antibiotics. But it is the fear that is eating me up.
    The doctors can't find anything.

    I dont know what to do. I have accepted this as being pelvic pain related with a huge dose of TMS.

    But I feel like I need you guys to confirm it?

    The pain is pretty dull. It comes and goes and moves around from thigh, testicle, back and groin. It makes me very depressed and my mind is always "sensing" that area if you know what I mean.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is about your obsessional thoughts, anxiety and stress and you’ll need to do the work to address that. Our telling you what is and isn’t TMS won’t heal this pattern for you, but the work will. It’s so freeing.
    You’ll better be able to deal with external stressors by a firm knowledge that the body sometimes expresses what the mind can not, and the skills you learn will help you quell the old patterns of thought and allow hard emotions.
    Dr. Sarno’s books and the TMSwiki’s Structured Educational Program are a beginning and sometimes repeat need.
    TG957 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. feduccini

    feduccini Well known member

    I also have TMS on the thighs and back. On the legs they are usually a dull sensation as yours. It is more frustrating than painful actually, and I learned that's the reason it persists more than the back pain. Because it finds a way for me to pay attention to it.
    TG957 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Worth repeating.

    Most of us here are self-diagnosed. TMS is most recently referred to as PPD (you might also see MBS, for Mind Body Syndrome). Here is a self-assessment test from the PPD Association (the professional group of mindbody/TMS doctors, therapists and other practitioners):
    https://ppdassociation.org/ppd-self-questionnaire (Self Quiz — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association) (Self Quiz — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association )
    Baseball65 likes this.
  5. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well, everything you listed is definitely in the TMS Milieu. Someone very close to me had chronic issues like you speak of...I noticed long before he did that his Epididymitis 'flares' always happened when he was having partner problems...and eventually he noticed it too. Being receptive to the idea, his symptoms went away.

    Many of them are symbolic. It's hard to see because they LOOK so 'real'. I had an unnecessary operation before I realized that my Epididymitis was also TMS so I am particularly sensitive to that story..my relationships didn't improve...the symptoms just moved on to the next thing (I believe it was my knee)...THEN , $10K dollars poorer, I went "Oh...epididymitis was probably TMS"

    I am usually safer assuming EVERYTHING is TMS because I have had very few 'real' things....and the symbolism is eerily on the spot.

    and as everybody has already mentioned, only doing the work has made the stuff go away.
    TG957 and backhand like this.

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