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The 8 Phases to any EMDR Treatment

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Eric "Herbie" Watson, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    I thought this would be cool for folks to see the steps done in EMDR and look at the sentence that has to focus on the negative emotional situation and then the positive emotional situation and then after that they go right back to the body. Almost like NLP, and Focusing. Does anyone see the sameness in FasterEFt or TMS healing knowledge?

    I have posted a DIY thread by beach -girl if you want to have your eyes going left to right for the change. There are many sources to flip a memory.

    I do the flip or Re frame with numbers 4 and 5 - love it :)

    There are 8 phases to any EMDR treatment. The treatment has become standardized and should be administered only by licensed professionals. The 8 phases are:

    • Phase 1, Client History: Here the clinician gains understanding of past traumatic events that may be affecting the patient. By gaining knowledge about past events the clinician is able to ascertain if EMDR is the correct treatment and how to tailor the treatment to the respective client.
    • Phase 2, Preparation: This phase involves the clinician explaining the process to the client and providing them with adequate information to proceed with the treatment. Also, in this phase the client is given the skills to allow them to successfully complete the therapy.
    • Phase 3, Assessment: At this point the patient will identify a specific traumatic event to use in the treatment. Then several tests are done to identify what emotions the patient has connected to the event, along with the level of disturbance the event has caused. Lastly during this phase the patient is asked to locate what part of their body is physical stimulated when thinking and focusing on the event.
    • Phase 4, Desensitization: In this stage the patient is to focus on the event while experiencing bilateral stimulation, usually this involves following the therapist's finger across your field of vision. During this time the patient is to recognize and allow whatever thoughts and feelings to occur.
    • Phase 5, Installation: Here the patient is asked to again experience the bilateral stimulation, however this time they are to focus on the traumatic event along with a positive thought or feeling.
    • Phase 6, Body Scan: Again the patient is to focus on the traumatic event and a positive thought or feeling, but instead of experiencing bilateral stimulation, the patient scans their body and identifies any tension or bodily discomfort.
    • Phase 7, Closure: This basically entails stabilizing the client through a series of techniques that help the client cool down from the processing. However some processing may still occur after this phase.
    • Phase 8, Reevaluation: Here the clinician investigates the effectiveness of the treatment and identifies the level of tension in the client, along with seeing if there are any new issues that may have come up.
    Here is the link to the whole thread.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Herbie, a very helpful post on flipping memories.

    I've had success with this in the past, seeing the stressful situation image and then flipping it to a
    pleasant image and how the technique relieves tension in the body.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, I see a lot of work being done just in numbers 4 and 5. Folks have to be familiar with more info about Emdr but I thought I'd give the main ingredients for future reference. Yes, The whole process is defiantly worth taking time to understand cause then when folks do learn to flip they don't have to go around all day with these negative emotions that just won't leave.

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