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Timing of Symptom Flare-Up

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Yellowfin89, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. Yellowfin89

    Yellowfin89 New Member

    Hello Good People - After a couple of months of seeing improvement in pain symptoms and especially anxiety, I find myself experiencing widespread pain and tingling, migrating from one place to another. It's been going on for a couple of weeks now, especially since I bumped up my activity levels (more challenging hikes, home improvement projects, etc.).

    This also comes when I'm just a week away from an appointment with Dr. Ira Rashbaum at NYU. He's the head of the TMS program there and studied for many years with Dr. Sarno. As I get closer to the appointment, I've noticed myself growing concerned that he might not think it's TMS. Of course, all of the evidence suggests that it is, based on the long list of doctors and tests and imaging I've been through over 2 years.

    So my brain is conflicted--why see this doc when everything already points to TMS? Then again, if anyone would know TMS when they see it, it should be him, and I feel lucky to live close to a specialist like this. Why not take advantage of this expertise? He even accepts my insurance! :)

    Does this sound like an extinction burst? Or maybe just another round of reassurance-seeking before the last 5% of my brain accepts that it's TMS? Has anyone out there experienced a similar situation? Would welcome any wisdom or thoughts you're willing to share.

  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Take your pick, @Yellowfin89 - it could be either one, or possibly a combination of both.

    Ask yourself this: Does it matter?
    Answer: Nope!

    Both options are products of a TMS brain trying its best to keep someone stuck in fear and doubt. The results look different for everyone, but the source is the same.

    Recognizing these TMS brain tricks for what they are is crucial to the recovery path. Learning to reject irrational fear and doubt when they occur is a key practice.
    Mr Hip Guy likes this.
  3. Yellowfin89

    Yellowfin89 New Member

    A long overdue thanks, @JanAtheCPA, for your response. I think I knew what I would hear but I just needed to do some thinking out loud to a group of people who would understand.

    I wound up canceling the appointment and almost immediately felt some weight come off my shoulders. There are so many resources I can take advantage of if I need them, and for now I’m doing the work and doing ok.

    Thanks for the remainder.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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