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TMS doctors?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Jesse668, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. Jesse668

    Jesse668 New Member

    Hi everyone,
    I haven't written for a while - but have been busy working on all of this TMS stuff. I have made progress since I first found out about TMS (back in August), but still have work to do. My symptoms are moving around a lot, which even though is a good sign, is still very frustrating! I'm still waiting for the time they leave and don't just show up somewhere else!
    One thing that really helped me was skyping with Dr. Sopher. Unfortunately, he is not working right now due to a medical issue. I was wondering if anyone else has skyped with a doctor or knows of any TMS doctors who offer this? I think it could really help me again, but I can't seem to find any other doctors who do this. I live in Canada and also can't find a TMS doctor close enough to visit.
    Any help would be appreciated!
  2. Anne Walker

    Anne Walker Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello. Are you looking for an MD or a TMS therapist?
  3. Jesse668

    Jesse668 New Member

    I was hoping to find a TMS MD. I am having new symptoms where both of my legs just ache non stop. I usually
    Know the new symptoms are TMS right away (I've had a lot) but I'm not sure here. I'm scared to go to my regular doctor, who doesn't believe in TMS, just in cAse it is TMS. All she typically does is give me a scary diagnosis and some pills. If anyone has a doc they know does Skype consultations, please let me know. Feeling desperate!
  4. Anne Walker

    Anne Walker Beloved Grand Eagle

    I do not have a TMS MD to recommend but I do think you should consider talking to a TMS therapist. I have had constant aches and pain in my legs before. I also had the pain in my feet(Planter Faciitis) for months on end that was so painful I could barely walk. I also have anxiety and for years and years have focused on various symptoms and worried about the potential medical implications. I think with achey or painful legs you can afford to have faith that it truly is TMS and you might see more lasting results working with a therapist. It is very reassuring and validating that your TMS symptoms have been moving about. Your subconscious is not going to throw you symptoms that you know right away are TMS because that wouldn't be very distracting. As mine started moving around the TMS tested out just about every part of my body and found new areas of concern for me. I had days when my chest was very tight and in pain and my lungs felt like I couldn't breathe. Of course that really scared me and almost had me running to the doctors. Right now I am pretty much left with generalized anxiety which is still pretty good at leaving me scared and then an occasional pain somewhere that might get me for a little bit but not at all lodged the way it used to. So its getting better! Your achey legs will get better too but right now you're giving them a lot of fear and attention which is exactly what this TMS strategy wants.
    PKat likes this.
  5. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Jessee, Anne's right. Dr. Sarno and Steve Ozanich and others say we prolong pain or increase it by thinking about it.
    Think about another part of the body that doesn't hurt. Visualize yourself already out of pain. Distract the pain by
    doing something you enjoy. If you can talk to a TMS therapist, it would be good.
    Try to pinpoint what could be causing you the pain... what repressed emotion.

    And try to laugh. Think of something funny. Even if nothing is funny in your life, pretend there is.
    Your unconscious won't know you've made up the reason for laughing. The laughter releases natural painkillers
    in your body.
    PKat likes this.
  6. Jesse668

    Jesse668 New Member

    Thanks so much for your responses. Anne I'm sorry you had leg aches as well. It's making it near impossible to sleep. Feels like I have that constant restless legs feeling you get in a movie theatre (or I do anyway). I have had a lot of movement of symptoms, but this is the first one I have no success in reducing and somehow it just feels different. Everyone in my life is telling me to go to the doctor, but I just wish there was a way to see a doctor who knew of TMS. Otherwise the diagnosis will likely just lead to more fear. It feels hard because I was doing really good them this happened, which is why it doesn't feel like tms. Anyway, that's my rant. Just feeling worried today. But you're right, I am giving the symptoms a lot of fear and attention right now. I will try to find something to laugh at! Anne I'm glad that you're almost better! That is encouraging as I feel like my body is doing the same thing to me right now. Thanks to you both for the encouraging words!
  7. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

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