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TMS pains with cancer

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Mr2NuT123, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. Mr2NuT123

    Mr2NuT123 New Member

    Hi all,

    A family member has cancer that has metastasized to a small section on her hip bone. She is probably the most doubting, apprehensive, "what if" person I know. I say that with respect, but it's the truth.

    Let me briefly explain what happened when she was in hospital;

    She was admitted in a general ward, NOT a specialist ward due to hospital being so busy. She was given terrible care with regards to not treating, but simply shoving liquid morphine down her neck to treat symptoms, which caused her a huge blockage that had to be cleared which was very painful.

    Then began the mental torture. She kept getting given increasingly bad news, by a general surgeon who doesn't even deal with cancer. On both occasions, she was told without any family around, and with no positivity or offer of treatment. He told her she had a few days, but was then interrupted by a specialist Nurse who was angry about this, and took over the treatment immediately.

    From looking at the scans, it's minor in two areas, and not everywhere, so they are confident they can treat it now.

    Moving on from that aspect, and onto my reason for this post. I believe from seeing her apprehension, that she now has TMS from the fear/panic of a recurrence of severe pain she once encountered. She is scared of going to sleep at night, as apparently a small jolt is enough to cause excruciating pain, yet it doesn't seem to through the day.. Also, she had a very heavy lifeless left leg, but this has since moved to the right leg! When I quizzed her about this strange turn of events, she got mad and was unable to answer why her weak leg has now become her strong leg!

    When she had the excruciating pain earlier, that seemingly came out of nowhere, I finally managed to convince her to breath steadily with intent, and to focus internally, shunting oxygen/blood to the area of pain. She claims it didn't help, but it was VERY evident that it dropped the pain by 50%+, before even getting medication.

    I guess to summarize; I'm asking if anyone here, or anyone they know, have had similar? According to some research, cancer shouldn't really cause much pain, if at all, especially if they are in bed. I suspect this pain is coming from being petrified of any movements, and that being still in bed for weeks has caused muscle depletion and the tension from the unknowns is the real reason for the pain.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi and welcome @Mr2NuT123.

    My first response is that your friend doesn't "now" have TMS. She you me we ALL have the TMS mechanism in our brains. If she's an anxious person, she's been suffering from TMS and TMS symptoms all of her life. I can guarantee that, from my position as a 72-year-old with anxiety from birth. But that's another story.

    You probably already figured out from my first answer above that the TMS mechanism is in play all the time. It was in play when I fractured my hip in a bike accident in 2008, and I was at about level 8 for pain until the doc came back with x-rays and said I could be pinned up and on crutches in 2 days. My pain immediately dropped to about a three, I asked for some ibuprofen to take the edge off and turned down opioids even after the surgery. 99% of my pain was due to my fear of being bedridden for 6 to 8 weeks.

    Obviously we are not doctors here, but on the assumption that your poor friend is finally getting proper care and oversight, I certainly believe that her anomalous symptoms are stress-based, aka what we conveniently call TMS. Many cancer treatment programs and clinics offer concurrent programs in emotional support which often include meditation and visualizations to help people navigate their cancer and their treatment. If you can guide your friend to participate in those it will be extremely beneficial for her. My best friend was treated for aggressive and advanced breast cancer in her 40s and she took advantage of all of those things and she is doing fine almost 30 years later.
    Mr2NuT123 likes this.
  3. Mr2NuT123

    Mr2NuT123 New Member

    Thanks so much for the reply, and for being so open. I hope expressing it helps you in some way also!

    I truly believe her extreme fear, along with the terribly addictive liquid morphene (AKA Heroine!) is what progressed her to this stage.

    She is now on an extremely alkaline diet, as per the Gerson therapy, along with a few other natural treatments and is showing huge progress in just one week. She is having a radical lifestyle change including nutrition, meditation, regular lymphatic massages, reiki healing, talkative therapies etc. She's also taking high doses of Vit C and D3 as she's been deficient for many years, avoiding all advice we have been giving for a while now.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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