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Vaccine TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Betty Boop, Aug 28, 2024.

  1. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I am asking for a friend if there is any information out there (as I haven't come across any) for those who developed TMS due to vaccine Injury?
    Maybe a book, article or video?

    I want to introduce a friend to this work who developed so many symptoms after her first covid vaccine and Dr's haven't found anything.

    She is a hypnotherapist so I am sure she will be on board once she reads something to understand what is going on.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    This has been a hot topic on the Wiki you can easily search topics such as this by clicking on the little magnifying glass to the right of your screen. I think you’ll find answers there.
  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    I wasn’t on the wiki during the pandemic. But during the pandemic I had a doctor put me on a statin for high cholesterol. I had a virtual appointment and she scared me to death that I might have a stroke. So I left the house (which I hadn’t done; I had groceries delivered) and went to get lab work. I was PETRIFIED! A few short weeks later all the symptoms I have now started.

    I was so high strung and I couldn’t think straight. I went on the statin, which I had resisted for years. I didnt trust the potential side effects. Two of my TMS symptoms mimic those side effects ( weak legs and neuropathy). Coincidence? (I went off the statin this Jan. to see if these symptoms would subside. They didn’t.) Of course, my cholesterol is back up again.

    I have this theory that fear and terror from the entire pandemic experience (existential crisis) caused a lot of TMS, and health anxiety was a contributing factor.

    The vaccines were scary. It was: trust these things that you feel weren’t tested enough, or fear dying alone in a hospital with a tube down your throat. I chose the vaccine.

    Is it a wonder that we all sort of went haywire from so much stress? It doesn’t surprise me that people got TMS from the vaccines. Just like I did from the statin.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
    TG957 likes this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Have y'all ever noticed the two sets of possible side effects in medication pamphlets? There are the ones you need to pay attention to, and which, thankfully, are rarely a problem for someone in reasonably good health without a bunch of other meds to conflict. Then there are the side effects you might experience for a short while, but which are not considered concerning unless they are excessive or lengthy (and even then I would be skeptical). These are the classic TMS symptoms: headache, nausea/GI and/or dizziness. The ones that are most likely to hit you when you're suddenly being diagnosed with a condition for which a doctor is prescribing a medication with possible side effects. Which can start a vicious cycle for anyone with uncontrolled anxiety and health obsessions.

    @Betty Boop, if your friend is so open to the mindbody connection, just have her read The Mindbody Prescription by Dr Sarno.

    So-called "vaccine injury" is a bullshit term for symptoms that are clearly in line with TMS and you should avoid using it yourself. You may call it PVS - post-vaccine syndrome. Remember that the word Syndrome is applied to many TMS conditions.

    Dangerous vaccine reactions are extremely rare. When it comes to symptoms that linger well after the event but which have no medical or physiological explanation, it's always going to be TMS. Medically there was no "injury", so do not accept that word!

    Exactly. We already know in this community that Long Covid is most likely TMS due to the number of recovery stories we now have (I just found this blog site with many stories, compiled by Gary from down under, who has been interviewed twice by Nicole Sachs). As far as I'm concerned, post-vaccine syndrome is just more of the same.
    TG957 and Diana-M like this.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    LOL - it should actually be PVAS: Post Vaccine Anxiety Syndrome .
    Jashton1 and Diana-M like this.
  6. Jashton1

    Jashton1 New Member

    I believe that I developed TMS vertigo symptoms from the Covid vaccine. I started having vertigo after 1 week of getting the 2nd vaccine shot. I had vertigo for 3 months. Vertigo really freaking sucks!
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2024
  7. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    I did notice that after getting a Flu vaccination and a COVID-19 booster on the same day last week that my usual TMS symptoms seemed more intense for about 4-5 days afterwards and then gradually tapered off. Sounds like my underlying TMS mind-body condition acted as an intensifier to my "normal" reaction to the vaccines. I'd say the heightened symptoms lasted approximately a week after my double vaccinations and are pretty much gone now. Seems like anyone with TMS is hypersensitive to pain stimuli and symptoms associated with cold, flu, COVID or other viruses. I think someone refers to hypersensitive individuals.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2024
    Jashton1 likes this.

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