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What started as scalp burning and turned into much more

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Lioness44, Jul 22, 2024.

  1. Lioness44

    Lioness44 Newcomer

    About a few months ago,

    I was sitting on the couch getting ready to enjoy 12 days off from work and i felt this slight burn/tenderness on the right side of my head. I kind of started to panic in my head right away. Then I noticed it traveled all across the right side of my head. I immediately went to see a dermatologist. Absolutely nothing on my scalp in terms of a skin condition but prescribes me stuff anyways. I tried for 3 days and immediately knew this was not the issue. I began to feel these tiny stabbing sensations and got really worried. Now I'm googling and googling making myself absolutely sick. I began to feel a burning sensation on my neck and parts of my back that would come and go but the head was consistent. The sensations on my head would be all day long varying in sensations. (burning, the dull pain, tingling/itch and that damn zappy type of stabbing pain) I run to the GP, she does a bunch of blood work and all was good. I let a week pass until I decide to go to the neurologist. EMG, SNF. more blood work and everything is normal. She mentions occipital neuralgia but now all the sensations are not only the right side of my head but now i sometimes feel them on the left. I seek pain management to try nerve blockers on both occipital nerves, waited 10 days and nothing. MY STRESS IS THREW THE FUCKING ROOF AT THIS POINT ! Continuing to google making myself sick, losing weight because of loss of appetite

    I go see a second neurologist, more blood work and MRI of the brain and all is well. He prescribes me a round of low dose steroids. I held off for awhile not taking them because i knew it wouldn't do anything but eventually caved in because i was so desperate. I had a lot of crazy crying melt downs because of the discomfort, worry and uncertainty. Between both neurologists they had no idea what to tell me. My symptoms evolved during this period. I start to feel tiny zaps anywhere on my body including my face (even my eye at times), muscle spasms, little jerks and these cold tingles at times. It feels like temperature is an issue. The burning in other areas of my body have become more persistent keeping me up at night now and my scalp continues to do what it does without ever really budging. Now this is keeping me up at night which in the beginning it did not.

    I went to see another GP the other day and she told me it's anxiety. Is this TMS ? I've been trying to explore this world for a little bit now but burning is unbearable especially my head. I even have a pain reprocessing therapist and nothing seems to be working at the moment. Please help. If anyone has a similar experience please reach out. Thank you.
  2. Mitocondria

    Mitocondria New Member

    Welcome :) clearly stress and anxiety. Just relax.

    Have you read any books by John Sarno? To begin with, 'the divided mind' went very well for me.
  3. Lioness44

    Lioness44 Newcomer

    Thank you. I’m not sure how I’m able to sleep. The burning on my head neck and back keeps me up all night. I’m continuously reminding myself that it’s nothing.
  4. Mitocondria

    Mitocondria New Member

    Read Sarno’s books :)
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Lioness44, we would like to help you, but limiting your request to people with similar experiences might limit the help you receive.
    @Mitocondria has asked a legitimate question and it would be very helpful to the rest of us if you could answer it so we know where to start helping you.

    You are clearly suffering, and we sympathize with that, but you're also in panic mode, which makes it hard to help from a distance! You will help yourself, and us, if you will start taking deep therapeutic breaths and encouraging your irrational panicked brain to allow your rational brain to come forward. In fact you can Google "therapeutic breathing" and you'll find immediate results including information about how therapeutic breathing can almost instantly change your physiology as well as your mental state.

    Give it a try, and see if you can tell us more about what you've done for your mental health and how much you know about TMS, so that we can proceed!

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