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Why does energy healing always make me feel worse

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Lee222, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I have me/Cfs and the only therapies for it (as far as I know) are energy healing ones

    I've done 7/8 different ones and each one I've totally crashed and gone a lot worse, I've declined physically and mentally.

    I don't agree with meds etc but they've been better for me than the energy healing

    Can anyone offer any advice?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @Lee222
    You are at a forum for TMS - tension myosotis syndrome which was named by Dr. John Sarno. He coined this term to deal with "illnesses" like CFS and many others that do not respond well to medical and alternative treatments. He's written a couple of books and it's been found that his methods work with a wide variety of symptoms including CFS.
    This video is from Rebecca Tolin who is completely healed of a long ordeal with CFS and a lot of other symptoms that did not respond to any sort of traditional or alternative treatments.

    stevow7, TG957, miffybunny and 2 others like this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    And perhaps I don't really understand the concept, and/or perhaps there are different types of "energy healing" but based on what I do know, here is my two cents, which is that true recovery from the mindbody conditions - CFS et al - can only come from making significant internal shifts in mental outlook along with a sincere commitment to emotional recovery. Doing this work requires a pretty intense level of emotional vulnerability along with brutally honest introspective scrutiny, neither of which are easy to achieve, and which certainly cannot be achieved from some kind of predetermined "one size fits all" linear process. In a way, engaging in "energy" therapy seems not so different from accepting traditional medications. You want to avoid that option, but it seems like you are still seeking a passive "fix" from someone or something outside of yourself.

    Doing this work is a very emotional and highly individual unique journey. It is also important to acknowledge the difficult truth that the more adversity and trauma there is in somebody's background, the harder the work is.
    stevow7, Ellen and miffybunny like this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    And I realize that I have some thoughts about your initial question "why do I feel worse after energy therapy?" There are all kinds of possible reasons for this, because it's a fact that all symptoms, sensations and in fact physical processes in our bodies originate from our brains. And the fearful, primitive, survival-at-all-costs brain mechanism that we call TMS, is not necessarily rational, because it really does not know how to function in today's modern world.

    In any case, it's possible that you're dealing with a combination of Desperation and Doubt, which are creating emotional conflict and feeding each other.

    You're very desperate for help, plus you're also a bit desperate to avoid medications even though your rational brain knows that they have helped. However, you may not really have much faith in these energy therapies although you are trying them out of desperation in spite of your doubt. Faced with the fact that they don't help then feeds your desperation, because NOW WTF do you do?

    "One size fits all" ain't gonna do it. You may feel worse because some part of you knows that this is the truth, which is in direct conflict with the part of you which is SO desperate for a straightforward solution.

    Emotional conflict will always produce symptoms until it is fully acknowledged and accepted (whether it can be resolved or not).
    Ellen and miffybunny like this.
  5. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    How do you actually do the work though? And what is the work?

    For example a therapist would tell me to act on my emotions or energy-in-motion as she described, so she'd say if you feel bored act on it.

    So it seemed farcical to me, i'm feeling bored, i go for a walk to the shop, my boredom eases a little and my symptoms ease off a bit.

    To me that's not dealing with any root cause or trauma, it's just going to the shop for some snacks to numb my boredom.

    The therapists did usually blame me, but I never knew what they wanted me to do, i'd change jobs and usually crash with stress , it was just so confusing, but what I didn't like about energy healers was if it's too stressful for them, they would pull away as it's probably draining, whereas for the money they charge, i'd expect a bit more really
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Do you know about Dr John Sarno and his theory that he labeled TMS? As @Cactusflower said, that's the purpose of this forum and of the associated tmswiki.org.

    1. Go to the main wiki page for an overview

    2. Take the quiz at the PPD Association website here:
    https://ppdassociation.org/ppd-self-questionnaire (Self Quiz — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association). It mentions the resources available on the site (which is the professional association of mindbody practitioners) but we think our site here is a friendlier (and zero-cost) place to start.

    3. Read a book by Dr Sarno - either The Mindbody Prescription, or The Divided Mind (available in all formats at many public libraries, and of course online, new or used, printed, e-book or audiobook).

    4. When you're ready, go back to tmswiki.org and start doing the free Structured Educational Program there. It doesn't even require any kind of sign-up.

    We're here to answer your questions and provide the resources for doing the work that Dr Sarno talks about in his books.
  7. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Okay i'll do it, i'm going through the structured educational program, but i can see already that it's going to cause a huge amount of stress for me which in turn will make my symptoms worse.

    It's impossible to stay calm or in a healing state if you're emotional all the time and that seems to be what these energy healing therapies do, usually after a few weeks i've deterirorated quite badly, just from spending 10 minutes going through that, my stress levels are double what they were 10 minutes ago
  8. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    "Energy healing" is a sham and some part of you knows that deep down. While it's understandable to not want to do the work when you are in survival mode 24/7, the reality is, it will take work to get better. You may want to consider an anti depressant just to dial the alarm bells down a notch so you can do the work. A lot of these tools in the alternative world (energy work, naturopathy, homeopathy, aromatherapy, cranial therapy, osteopathy, chelation, chiropractic, acupuncture, detoxing... I could go on and on and on) are just scams that yield a temporary placebo effect at best. Some are calling for the NCCAM to be defunded and I would agree. Your work will most likely involve obtaining the education, addressing the core wounds from the causal level of complex trauma, and working on cognitive distortions.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
  9. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Increase of symptoms of all kinds is very common when presenting your mind with the idea that it has had to create symptoms to protect you from difficult emotions. You need to work through these things and if it is very difficult, then you may need support to get through it. A psychologist can help, someone who understands the way the mind/body connection works like a TMS psychologist (this website has a list.. and not just a coach but a trained psychotherapist, EMDR, ISF or ISDTP - these are all types of therapies that are mind/body.
    An energy healer is not a psychotherapist. You many find that it can help you because you trust the safety of that particular situation - they create a healing atmosphere, but you must do the emotional and mental work yourself (which you are beginning to do) to actually overcome your symptoms. This is a method to take back your power and ownership of you. To stop being a victim of your symptoms and realize your own mind can heal you. You will notice that the SEP day 0 asks you to read a book by Dr. Sarno before you begin it. He explains the whole theory behind this and it is eye opening and comforting to read all he discovered treating many patients.
    You can get through this with hard work and determination and a lot of self-kindness for the hard work you need to do up front to get freedom for the rest of your life.
  10. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    How do you know what the core wounds are though? And even if i've got any

    The main thing I got from 10 years of therapy is don't be bored, which i'm all for but what else is there?
  11. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I did emdr once, I dunno what i'm missing but it was just a guy waving a stick in front of my face, i just found it awkward lol, i wasnt sure what it was supposed to do, im up for hard work but what do you actually do?

    My emotions tell me i want a better job with more money but that'll be a mot of stress so it's gonna give me higher symptoms
  12. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    If you are a human sentient being, you have experienced traumas and hurts in your life. 90 percent of our present day inner conflicts hearken back to childhood. They can often be subtle and nuanced, but no less impactful in shaping the beliefs we carry about ourselves (our self view and our world view) and how we go through life. The goal of therapy is to understand ourselves and how we suffered. Until that has been fully reckoned with in a genuine way, symptoms and depression and other defenses that become sources of dysfunction will persist. Boredom is a disguise for lack of self compassion or self determination. My guess is that your therapists were trying to help you connect to yourself and to find joy and meaning. This is jus a message board for friendly advice but there's a resistance to that as well in your posts. It's a negative focus on what hasn't worked, as opposed to what will. My advice is to stop all the tools and modalities and concentrate on your thoughts an emotions. As Jan suggested, read Sarno and Schubiner. Sincerely try the SEP. Consider a tms coach or trauma informed therapist, or even group coaching.
    JanAtheCPA and Ellen like this.
  13. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I get what you mean, that's the sort of thing a therapist would say to me, i'd get home, and think what am i supposed to do now? i'd go to the shop or the gym or whatever but then it didn't make me feel that much better really, they seemed to blame me but what else is there to do though, i'd get a different job or go to college etc but that'd usually make me crash with stress and the therapist would then pull away after that,
  14. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Read the books first.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  15. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Read Dr Sarno. If what he says resonates with you, THEN come back and we'll do our best to work with you. But you have to start with the books. Just download one from your library, that's how I read my first Sarno book.
  16. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Okay, Ive bought his book 'the divided mind' it'll take me a week or so to read it, I'll have to get back then

    The only thing I wanted to ask was the energy healers tell me to do more, I do more (new job, college course, promotion at work, other hobbies etc) and stress hits me and I crash and then the therapist blames me and pulls away/ghosts me/shuts down on me

    That's literally happend 7/8 times, it's too often for it to be a coincidence, it can be frustrating but I feel like it'll happen again if I do therapy
    Sita likes this.
  17. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Energy Healers are not therapists. There is absolutely no professional designation for an energy healer. There may be some trained and accredited therapists who also provide the service of energy healing, but they are two very separate designations.

    Read your book on Dr. Sarno
    Continue doing your SEP
    THEN you can think about how you feel you can manage doing this work on your own and if you need a licensed psychotherapist who you see for an extended period of time (not just once or twice) and form a trusting relationship with to continue doing anything you feel you need to do.

    There is no pressure to do this, these are suggestions and you have a choice as to if and when you do anything. YOU are in control even if you feel you are not.
    JanAtheCPA and Lee222 like this.
  18. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I had to stop after reading, "I have me/CFS and the only therapies for it are energy healing ones."

    That's absurd.
    Wherever you are getting your information from. Stop reading it now.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  19. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    That's the only ones i could find,

    mickel therapy, reverse therapy, lightning process etc, they all imply they offer a cure, i've never met a psychiatrist what does, but then again I find the whole 'mental health' system quite difficult to navigate, there can't be many mentally ill or emotionally ill people that can understand it sure;y
  20. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    i'm gonna read the book, but it seems they dodge responsibility, if the patient has a meltdown or goes under mentally because they're bringing up their trauma, they can just pull away and leave them because it's stressful or a bit draining, that's got to be wrong surely

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