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Worrying due to feeling constantly tired.

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by stevow7, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    I like going to the gym, but I'm constantly tired, can't think straight and the gym makes me even more tired.
    I had labs, sleep study and still, I sometimes would fall almost asleep even while driving in the afternoon. I would love to just live a life where I don't feel like this.
    I wake up to go to the bathroom twice or more a night.
    I have handled my OCD better (I still have anxiety), I can't think straight and I'm worried about this.
    How would I handle this?
  2. Fal

    Fal Peer Supporter

    Is this you?

    You wake up and think oh I’m so tired but I need to do this, but I’m so tired. You are constantly telling your brain that you’re tired because you feel it. I know it’s hard but you need to get up with a “fuck it” attitude and not think about it and if those thoughts come in tell your brain that your safe and you know what it’s doing.

    I went through a stage when I was really bad with stress/anxiety whereas I was just exhausted every single day no matter how much sleep I had. I just wanted to nap whenever I could. Now I rarely ever feel tired even if I had only a few hours sleep.

    I just stopped paying it attention, and it eventually went away.
    stevow7 likes this.
  3. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    I went through a bout of anxiety-induced insomnia about a year and a half ago that lasted months. Historically I sleep very easily and solidly, so having trouble was so foreign. When I had that issue, I remember reading about it and finding that a lot of people is sleep difficulties perceive themselves to be getting less sleep that they're actually getting.

    A sleep study showed that while insomniacs would swear they spent the entire night consciously awake, biologically, their body was actually in a sleep state for long periods of time. But their perception fueled the feelings of exhaustion and tiredness, which exacerbated their anxieties. I'm not saying this is you, but I think to echo what @Fal is saying above, perception can have a lot to do with how we feel.

    Do you ever try to push through the tiredness by engaging yourself in an activity in spite of it? I do know it is not the same, but I know that often times when I am feeling unmotivated or lethargic, when I just get up and workout anyway or clean the house, I actually feel like it gives me more energy. I wonder if the same phenomenon may apply with your tiredness.

    I do also feel that mental stress and a poor diet can contribute to energy levels, so it may be worth analyzing those components if you haven't already. Hope you're able to work through this!
    Mr Hip Guy likes this.
  4. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    This is totally me. I feel exhausted and constantly say "I can't go to the gym feeling like this" "I should lift lower weights because I would fatigue myself" I need naps. etc

    Another thing is, I find it hard to concentrate.
  5. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    Hi thanks! I do push myself through the tireness and eventually I end up taking the nap or feel more tired ;/
  6. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    Here are some links on this site that may provide some helpful advice or insight for you in dealing with chronic fatigue.

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - The TMS Wiki
    Chronic fatigue syndrome | TMS Forum (The Mindbody Syndrome) (tmswiki.org)

    There is definitely indications the chronic fatigue is a TMS condition and learning more about it and doing this work could be the answer for you.

    Good luck and sorry you're dealing with this!
    stevow7 likes this.

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