Hi Colls,
I meditate and practice breathing. I do those not because I want to heal, I did it because I enjoy doing it and I think it is good for my mind and body. To me, They are more like tms prevention than treatment. I don't journal. I don't believe in journaling (some people will disagree with me on this) . There are the right way and the wrong way to journal and I think that the majority of us did it wrong. Most people would bring back all those bad memories and try to "re live" them, thinking that would cure their tms. By doing that they usually made their tms worse. If you do chose to journal, bring those bad memories back and tell yourself, explain to yourself that you are wiser and smarter now, you are stronger and more mature now, you can handle those event in a much better way. Those event can not hurt you anymore. It is in the past, it is over now. It is just like spilt milk, don't cry over it. DON'T FEAR IT. Unconscious thoughts/memories can only hurt us when we fear it. Doctor Sarno said tms is a distraction to our mind from those unpleasant unconscious thoughts. If those unconscious thoughts are no longer unpleasant or scary to you then you don't need those tms distraction anymore. Meaning no more tms.
Steve O said one of the biggest mistake he saw people did is trying hard to heal. Doctor Weekes said we need to give it TIME. Don't rush to heal. We are anxious when our mind it not where our body is. Our mind keep jumping all over the place. It is either in the past our in the future and rarely stay with the present. The present is where it need to be in order to heal. Living in the Now mean paying attention, focusing our attention on the task at hand, not on our current state of mind. Focus on brushing your teeth, not on how your teeth or your body feel at the moment. Focus on being and having fun with your love one, not on how your body feel at the moment. Focus on controlling your bike when you are riding a bike, not on how your feet our your legs feel at the moment.... you get what I mean.
Any thing you focus on will intensify. If you keep thinking about your sick body then your sick body will get sicker. If you focus on being healthy and happy then you will.
You Will .
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- healed for 10+ years