i've had this, it's the worst symptom i've ever felt. It was like a mix of arousal and throbbing electricity. it's one of the hardest pains to have and not freak out. first off, dont panic because you'll feed the pain. I know, easier said than done. When i flare these days, i dont analyze it any more. i dont obsessively think things like "will it be gone by the weekend? was it worse today?" Instead, i try to say to myself "yeah, it sucks, but it doesnt matter why it's flaring...it will calm down. maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week. but it will. just trust that. it's not dangerous even if it is unpleasent". Then i try to do everything i'd normally do as if i wasnt in pain.
PGAD is a subset of pudendal neuralgia, and PN is almost always TMS. There's a reason pelvic pain conditions like interstitial cystitis, IBS, etc. tend to cluster together. Some doctors call the whole group of conditions under the name "chronic pelvic pain". It's because many of those lower pelvic organs share a similar nerve network, and if the brain ramps up the sensitivity of one pelvic location, it can very easily "jump" to a nearby structure. I know i made it sound more clinical, but there is a very strong brain component in all of pelvic pain. Some doctors will call this central sensitization, and people here will call it TMS. It's all pretty similar and mind/body techniques can really help.
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