There’s only ONE THING that you need to understand if you want to get better and it’s not what you think it is.
It is simply this: Your goal cannot be to be healed of TMS. Your goal must be to awaken to the fundamental nature of who you are.
Once you have truly awakened and find yourself on the road to healing, you’re going to realize a few universal things that probably all people who have been down this road have realized.
- You are far more than your physical body and this existence is a collective hallucination and delusion. You won’t just have faith that this is true, you will know it on a deep level.
- You will literally begin to see the story of your life as if it was a play being acted out in front of you.
- If you were formerly an atheist, you probably aren’t anymore. Conversely, you also probably aren’t a fervent follower of any one religion, either.
- You can easily switch between states of consciousness and unconsciousness as if you were flipping a light switch.
- You will become more forgiving as you realize that others’ bad behavior is a result of their unconsciousness (“forgive them father for they know not what they do”)
- You may find yourself going inward and not discussing your experience with anyone who doesn’t already understand what path you’re on. You will find that there is no point to discussing it with most people because the act of discussion is probably ego-based. No need to discuss, just *be*
- You will understand your true nature as a spiritual being having a physical experience.
- The meaning of life will no longer be a mystery.
There are way bigger things at work here than merely reconditioning the pain pathways in your brain and body. That is a narrow-minded and body-focused view and if you subscribe to such a view you will likely have trouble recovering.
My awakening happened as a result of seeking knowledge over my short lifetime of 30 years. The straw that broke the camels back? I was given an illness earlier this year that was big enough and scary enough to hit me over the head with the truth and now that I see it I cannot unsee it.
Journaling will not cure you. SEP will not cure you. Reading every book in the universe on this subject will not cure you. Spending countless hours on this forum will certainly not cure you. These things very well may be the stepping stones you use to lead you to awakening but none of them will be the “cure” because they are keeping you focused on a delusion. That is a body-focused, material world-focused view. You are not your body.
Stop DOING, and start LIVING
It CAN happen to you. I never thought I’d be telling any of you this but trust me, it can and will happen for you BUT you need to become consciously aware of your ego. Your ego has a stranglehold on you and you may not realize it yet.
When you awaken to the truth you will look upon your ego as if it was a bully in the schoolyard who you THOUGHT was bigger and badder than you but it was really just a hologram the whole time and if only you had the courage to fight back, you would have seen that your hand passed right through him like a mirage (Think the wizard of oz)
I’m posting this because I want to dispel the myth that there is a system to defeating this. No. This is not true. Thinking this will keep you on the treadmill.
If there was any practical advice I could give you, it’s this. The trick is to peel away the layers of your life that don’t jive with your authentic self. The non expression of your authentic self is what is making you sick. You need to hear this again. THE NON EXPRESSION OF YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF IS KEEPING YOU SICK.
Every time you don’t speak up in a crowd of people for fear of what they’ll think, you put another layer on the mask. Every time you put your shoes on and walk out the door in the morning to go to a job you hate, you put another layer on the mask. Every time you act out of fear, you put another layer, and another layer, and another layer.... until you have no idea who you are anymore. And considering most of us have been doing this since childhood it’s a pretty damn safe bet that none of us know who we are before we awaken. That may sound arrogant but I stand by it.
I believe in all of you, I know you will get there. I know that because YOU ARE ALREADY THERE and you just don’t know it yet!
Please reach out to me with any questions. It is my sincere desire to help. This is my life’s mission.
Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: Notice