This question was submitted via our Ask a TMS Therapist program. To submit your question, click here.QuestionI have been on an up and down journey in my recovery after discovering dr Sarno 2 years ago. At times I have been 98 percent pain free and living an active life. I believe I haven't been able to accept the TMS diagnosis 100 percent because I have symptoms of nerve pain not muscle, or other more common types of pain. The pain is in my back more on the left side, hips, butt, both legs and feet, as well as my elbows forearms and hands. ALL tests are normal and my neurologist said I didn't fit any diagnosis in his field. His last comment was " I hope you don't have a neuropathy" and sent me to redo an MRI and nerve test which were normal. I have no numbness or weakness only burning, pinches, pins and needles, tingling, even itching. Can TMS cause pain like this? Should I look further into a diagnosis with my neurologist?
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