How many among us are parents to small children? Or had the onsite of TMS after becoming parents?
I have two children, almost 3 yrs and 1 yr. My TMS began shortly after the birth of my first child. Talk about nervous system overload! Sleep deprivation, baby crying, bewilderment, etc. At one point I would have physical pain when I heard her cry over the baby monitor. Like a knife cutting through my body. I was so confused as to why this was happening to me. I was supposed to be overyjoyed with motherhood, but instead I was desperate for sleep, peace, a quiet meal, anything!
I was a stay at home mom with a husband who traveled, so there was no break. The only time I had a babysitter was when I went to the gym and plugged away on the machines. Not very relaxing. And since this was my job, I couldn't exactly quit.
So I'm curious if anyone else can relate...
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- Parents of small children?