I wouldn't give any credence to peer review journals or statistical numbers. If I would have done that, I would be dead today. If you look at Lissa, and Shin Ichiro Terayama, and Evy McDonald, among many others, the body is only reacting to an imbalance, a deeper need. They would all be dead if they had listened to the statistics. Numbers and statistics are the problem. I can't recall a case in the past 12 years that someone didn't think they were in the "2%" of Dr. Sarno's survey, that didn't heal. Numbers and stats are guided-images that pull you into a destructive orbit. They are limiters. I agree 100% with Lissa, 4% of people survive from pancreatic cancer because they're told that only 4% survive from pancreatic cancer. The body immediately begins to match the perception.
Everything is from a mindbody response with the exception of injuries, congenital disorders, and extreme dietary deficiencies. If the symptom remains, it's because that which drives it remains. If you can't stop the process then there's a deeper need at play, you don't cast out the process.
I would always treat cancer as TMS, as part of The Mindbody Syndrome. It may take more, such as Terayama did, which is the way I would go, through string resonance. But there's also more, such as dietary changes, spiritual connection, etc. The body breaks down for a reason, it doesn't simply fail. There is always cause and effect as Leonard Susskind challenged Stephen Hawking on and won.
I have a good friend who caught his wife in bed with someone. In a short time, he got cancer of his corneas--the mechanism by which he was shamed. He left his whole stressful life behind, ran away, moved to a farm, a slow life with fresh air and time to reflect, moving into harmony. The surgeons at The Ohio State University were amazed. They told him, "Whatever the hell you're doing, keep doing it!" They had no explanation of why his symptom faded on its own, but he knows, and so do "eye." I spoke with him yesterday and he's at peace and healthy. He has no idea what TMS is, but he knew deep within what to do. He didn't treat his cancer like cancer, he did it, unbeknownst to him, through mindbody healing. This is not to say that we may not need help from science, but how much do we lean on to avoid the cause of the effect?
Denying that there is a force beyond what you can see, that is driving your symptoms, gives power to that force.
I would consider myself an academic even if others don't think I am. I think it's a useless label at some level, that does no good. It is the studies that are killing us, because we put our beliefs in them, and not in ourselves. If I would have listened to studies I wouldn't be here. Studies are man's limitations on himself, as defined by himself. But what does man know? I read a study last week that said back pain came from pronated feet. Useless dribble. Millions of dollars wasted in the name of science, the oroborous, keeping itself alive at the same time it kills itself. I do believe in science, but to what cause? It must be aimed in the right direction.
If someone needs to feel that they were unlucky in life, and that their symptoms are "real." Then they need their symptom for deeper personal reasons. There's no shame, we all have deep needs. The symptom is their current perception of their self-constructed reality. That reality they have chosen then imprisons them. Learn to think beyond what you can see. That's a main reason I ended with Groddeck. When he finally gave up his medical license he began to heal people at a much higher rate.There's a greater force at play. I healed with Dr. Sarno's work because he gave me hope. I told him that. He said in his usual humble way, "oh well Steve, that's good." I had been told my entire life that there was nothing that could be done, I was just unlucky, I had a bad back and bad body, may be cursed, was unhealable in every way. Now I help people heal for a living.
I would hate to see this site become like other sites, where people sit around bashing the idea of healing; it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hope is what heals us, along with a deep belief. We only get to eat a small piece of the consciousness pie. Chew slowly.
In the end, it's loneliness that drives symptoms. I see it every single day, talking to many people. When we feel we are going life alone, we get locked to our bodies as a safe-haven. The body then expresses itself in some way, in its deep need. Cancer, means, the cell is "expressing" a deeper need. Keep in mind, you can also abuse a body into anger-expression.
If Groddeck is right, there's more to "It." But for now, don't ever think something is not healable, or you make it not healable. People heal from RA. It returns on occasion because they needed it to return, it's a coping mechanism.
Balance, harmony, uniting the divided mind, music, love, friends, nutrition, joy, and peace. These are the things that must be destroyed in order to be happy...lol. Hey did you really expect me to finish without a joke? I do that because we need to lighten our hearts. With pain and illness the heart has become heavy with fear and worry, and anger. Let go of those attachments and soar.
Be well,
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