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Numbness, tingling, electric shocks, paresthesia, allydonia, small fiber neuropathy
@DWA and TG957. DWA listen to what TG957 has to say. Been reading her book and is a great testimonial to what can be accomplished. In 2007, I too, started out with the slightest hint of numbness in my left big toe. It progressed to full blown pain and numbness in both feet and calves. In 2007, foot pain and numbness was really not an issue in the TMS world (at least I had never heard or come across it). It was something new that my mind was looking for to locate the pain, and I never put 2 and 2 together. Years later, I learned that foot pain and numbness are the new "back pain".

In a earlier post I had stated that I had a moment where all pain and numbness disappeared for 5 minutes, but came back. Needless to say, it broke my spirit. You throw your hands in the air and say "I give up". And that is kind of what I did. I was so frustrated, angry and negative that I had felt that 5 minutes of bliss, and then back to where I initially was.

Now, because of my wife's influence, I have recently visited the Mayo Clinic in Florida (against my beliefs and better judgement), and I come to find out that the doctor's are scratching their heads and ordering all these different tests. After awhile, you begin to have this "feeling" that all these tests are worthless. Blood tests that I have had before, and EMG tests I have had before! I have cancelled the tests, because the first round of tests all showed normal.

I have cured back and neck pain with no problem. The mind will find an area that will "confuse" you and make you think the worst. We must learn to recognize that most pain in the body is TMS related. It's how the mind is trying to distract you. While reading TG957's book, I was smiling and relating to what was being explained, and I started to feel sharp stabbing pains in my knee!! Never felt that before. Ever.

TG957 has some great advice. I have been paying attention to when when the pain and numbness escalate and thinking about emotions at that particular time, and it makes you focus on your thoughts and how you are feeling. For me, I'm begining to learn that I am easily frustrated. Frustrated by the simple things in life, and that leads to a quiet anger inside myself. I think guilt plays a big emotional roll in the TMS process. Think about emotions, like TG957 says in the book, and you will truly begin to see what emotions affect you most.

DWA, believe that you will get better. Attitude is everything. I'm not there yet, but after reading TG957's book, I am ready to fight!