1. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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Our TMS drop-in chat is tomorrow (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern (US Daylight Time). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support, with Bonnard as your host. Look for the red Chat flag on top of the menu bar!


3. Can you work too hard at overcoming TMS?
Ahhhh, AMEN and holy macaroni....someone gets it. "I'll get there when I get there"...brilliant insight. I've written that so many times, and I consider it to be the most important factor behind full belief in the TMS-process, which is the most important factor by far. You cannot straddle the TMS-fence between "some physical and some emotional." TMS healing doesn't work that way; you're either all in or all out. Those who want a little of this and a bit of that either don't understand the process or don't yet believe it, in totality. If you want to heal, then pick a team. I've personally seen people heal around 500 times, and spoken to those who have healed using the good doctor's work well over a 1000 times. It works!! The good doctor wasn't a dumb man, he was quite the opposite. I see neo--quasi--Sarnonians all the time still in pain confusing psychological overlay with TMS. Procrastination in itself is TMSing, and reveals the reluctance to acceptance and is TMSing; fearing facing the truth/fire.

Anyone can heal if they choose to. The information is out there and many good people here will help. I would suggest to begin. The hardest part is the beginning, because we know we will put our energy full boar/bore into it, and so we want to be 100% certain. But there is no such thing as 100% in life. If anyone has read my work they know that it was the Nike commercial that prompted me to heal. "Just Do It." It takes great courage to leap.

If anyone has any questions I will try to answer them. I have time before I take off again. But I will try to help.

Good luck,

Steve Ozanich