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Crippling back pain, fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme, vertigo and more all healed
So, I too, start out in with the surface emotions. I'm feeling sad(mad, fearful) about---------------------. This will usually turn into a story and I will no doubt indulge myself in this storytelling because it just seems to need to come out before I can move on. After a few minutes though, I then try to dig deeper. how do I feel about being sad? Then how does THAT make me feel? Then what? So. I'm going for the LAYERS of emotions. Layer upon layer upon layer. This is where I get to the more repressed emotions...Oh look, I'm mad at myself, I'm resentful, I'm jealous. Whatever is discovered is a gift. It really is. I also ALWAYS try to feel where in my body the emotion is causing sensations. Is my heart pounding? Are my shoulders up by my ears? Am I about to snap the pen in half? Does my heart hurt? You get the idea. And how do these sensations change and flow as I journal. I'm literally somatic tracking in the journal. Tracking my emotions and the feelings in my body they evoke. Does that make sense?