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Nerve Pain Face Trigeminal Nerves
Hi, I know I’m late to this thread but I wanted to tell you all that I have also had atypical TN after a sketchy wisdom tooth removal. Went away, came back, etc for 7 years until it came back and STAYED. And then, impossibly, spread to the other side of my face too! It’s TMS. No doubt. It’s gone now. I recently had a flare up during a time of stress but it’s didn’t last very long. I tell my brain “oh we’re doing this today?” and then just move on. The key for me was really to just accept that the pain is there. Get bored with it basically. I know that sounds impossible because it HURTS, but it is imo the best way to “outsmart” your unconscious mind. I am proof that it is TMS….since it went away I have experienced….severe acid reflux/lpr, severe lower right abdominal pain, hip pain, leg pain, gastritis, back pain, migraines, anxiety, fatigue, etc. Like, ALL the pains lol. All symptom imperatives and all tries by my brain to distract from feeling my emotions and getting to the root of my issues. But, just like in SteveO’s book, my TMS overplayed its hand. Now I’ve got it on the run and it’s like “shit what can I do now? She knows!” Lol. So the process usually goes…I wake up with some severe new symptom, freak out for a couple days to weeks to months, realize it’s TMS and then stop panicking and it goes away and then a couple days later some other new symptom starts. Guess I’m gonna repeat that until I learn my lesson that unless it’s an injury, heart attack or stroke (which my brain has tried to convince me of multiple times) it’s TMS. Try not to be afraid, it’s fear that continues the cycle of pain and symptoms. Clearly, I still have fear since I still have symptoms. Do the work that feels good to you, get exercise, find a hobby you like and know that the pain won’t be forever. And bonus, if it wasn’t for the pain none of us would know about mind/body work and the life changing things you learn along the way! Stay strong and know that facial pain IS tms. It can and will go away.