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Modic I
I had a very abusive childhood. Complete matching TMS personality traits. People pleaser - hardworking, go-getter - anxiety, sensitive . Had gen. anxiety disorder 3 years ago - causing gastrointestinal shit for 4 months. Then came pterygoid hamulus busitis for a couple of years. Then pain in SI region for 3 months - went away after physio. Six montsh later - now in severe pain for 8 months - sacroiliac area again . Like two rats gnawing away. Leg length disprepency. MRI - erosive osteochondrosis aka Modic I L4 - also bulging discs with irriated L5 root. I want to be sure that this pain is TMS and not structural. Doc reckons that L5 irritation is causing pain in upper buttock / sacroliac region. Another says projected pain from spine. Other docs have diagnosed pelvic twist, SI joint disfunction, piriformus syndrome and all kinds of sh**. Friends who know me say it is in my head. Life is a nightmare. Any thoughts would be appreciated - thanks!