Twocups88, it can get a lot better with TMS oriented approaches. I would never say anything is a cure but I've been able to reduce my IBS to long periods of non existence and of course shorter lived flares. If you have TMS you really have to approach it with a wide gamut. Meaning that stress reduction in all facets of your life should be something you do. For me avoiding foods just reinforced the fear, that those foods would hurt me. It's hard to overcome fear but you can learn to overcome it incrementally. What you're working on as you know is changing your reaction to the symptoms. Currently you have fear and preoccupation which is why you're seeking answers. I've done this also. This will continue to happen over and over as it changes symptoms until you can change your response. It's not easy. The last thing I learned is the intensity or energy in which you apply these TMS approaches can keep you in a state of fight flight or freeze if you're putting so much pressure on yourself to solve this problem and get rid of what it happening. It took me a long while to stop doing this. I think you can learn also. Be good internally to yourself. Know deep down you're ok. Being overly internally focused will keep this going longer than it needs to.
Be well.
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