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New Program Day 6: The Fear Matrix
I had tinnitus for three days. The first time I heard it, I thought someone was blowing a dog whistle outside my window. Then I went into the other room, still heard it, and thought, "Uh-oh."

Tinnitus is just another example of our brains amplifying a signal...interpreting something safe as if it's dangerous. You overcome tinnitus the same way that you overcome pain. Recognize that you're safe. Don't try to get rid of it. Enjoy your life. All this journaling and "work" that you're doing is just generating more pressure and more tension. How could you possibly feel safe with such a sense of urgency?

Don't wait for it to pass to get back to your life, get back to your life and it will pass. The only power the symptom has over you is its ability to scare you.