Hi Boston Redsox - I think I can speak to your topic. I'm in a difficult relationship and in the worst of my pain, I felt that if I left, I would get better. That may have been true -but I didn't leave. What I have done is to work on myself to not add to the resentment pile that can happen between two people not getting along. I started to see how I was perpetuating some of the problems by not speaking up, not setting boundaries - being a bit of a pushover. I could see that it was less about my partner and more about how I was handling situations. I've been completely pain free for three months now - I'm still in the relationship. Things have changed some because I changed. Through TMS recovery, I learned how to take the wheel and drive my own life rather than being led by others or a more dominant partner. I don't know if any of this applies to your situation - but learning how to keep the focus on myself was an integral part of my healing.
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