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Severe Shoulder, Arm and Neck pain
Hi, New here, hoping to find some answers while waiting for scan results.
About 2 1/2 months ago I was having a break at work, moved to get up and suddenly experienced severe pain in my right shoulder and cramping down the arm.
“This happened about a week after getting over a bad chest virus”
I went to emergency, on the second day, as the intense pain had not subsided.
After blood tests, wires everywhere, X-rays on my Lungs, it wasn’t Heart or Lung related.
I was given an Opioid drug and an anti inflammation medication, neither of which helped.
I visited my Doctor, set up a CT scan on my neck and ultra sound on shoulder, “a month wait”.
Since this started, I’ve had about 7 attacks with the cramping, it lasts 3 day, leaving localized pain in the arm, like a bruising pain, which has got worse after every attack, along with a more serious pain in shoulders.
I can press certain pain area’s that can trigger a cramping sensation, there’s also a clicking sound about 2 inches below top of shoulder, to the right, while movement is becoming harder.
To a lesser degree, I’ve also acquired a similar pain and cramping on the left now, though it’s intensity is way less painful or lasting.
I have an old neck injury, that usually affects the left side and that usually comes as headaches and tingling in arm and fingers, neither of which are present here.
I do work in an industry where there is a lot of repetition on my limbs, while also when younger played guitar in bands, so I can understand that I’ve put a lot of stress on my shoulders.
The only other issues I have with health are several teeth snapping in a matter of 2 months, and I have an issue in my hip that doctors and scans have not isolated, that happens once or twice a year, it causes my leg to collapse, along with pain, beyond that I’m pretty fit.
I hope I can get some answers from the kind people here