1. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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Post trauma Thumb arthritis following fall, pain percentage organic/TMS? Warning: Long story!
@Baseball65 —I love how you preach this! There are so many distractions and ways to heal. This basic method should never take back seat.

Boy, isn’t this true! And even when we think we are getting good at it, we falter. Why? Because it’s freakin’ hard and painful. But see it on paper and feel it in your heart, or feel it in your body.

This is crazy, but so true after you say this I can see it. When I was 35–half my life ago— I got this tingling on the bottom of my right foot. later, It expanded to sciatica. Then a few years ago, I got planter fasciitis which expanded to pain on the top of my foot which expanded to tingling in my legs and feet which expanded to numb legs, and then all sorts of weird aches in my legs, tight knees and on and on —aka: Regional. It just kept upping the ante. So, yeah…Case in point. And none of that would make sense medically. It literally climbed up my legs. Hopped from right leg to left. Now it’s both.

Brave, Brave, brave to publish your list! It does feel good to be vulnerable on this forum, and I think it has helped heal me.
Today, I finally had the lightbulb go off why I can’t stop obsessively playing a game on my phone. I’m avoiding. And the minute I said it to myself this wave of intense sorrow roared in. I know I need to “sit with it.” I hate sitting with it. I hate knowing it. And aging has a lot of built in sorrow.

I hope all is going well with you. Sounds like the guitar might have helped a little. Gigs come and go and I’m sure you noticed, they always show up in time. It’s so hard to be in business for yourself and maintain peace. But maybe that’s what you’re meant to learn? Trust.