1. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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My Pelvic Pain Success Story (video)
Hey, you wonderful TMS Wiki types.

I promised myself if I ever got better, I’d post a success story. And while life is too busy to lay it all out in the detail it deserves, I will get to that someday. But this site and this community have been hugely influential in my recovery and so I wanted to share the interview I gave to Dan Buglio just over a week ago. While it doesn’t go over every symptom and treatment and nightmarish memory in granular detail (would that really help?), it does summarize my journey, my epiphanies, and my overall beliefs about how someone gets better from a chronic mind-body condition.

Like I said, when I can I’ll write a fuller account. But until then, I hope you find something in my story to help you on your own journey:

You can do this. Look back on my old messages. I stumbled many times. I was obsessed with finding answers until I realized that the search for answers *was* the prison.

Love to you all. Never give up. There is always another chapter.
