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Is there a moment to stop seeing trauma as trauma?
I had a dream some years ago, maybe 10 or so. The dream was super conscious, from another world, from astral world...I have no idea where from. It came with a message:"Just keep your mind clean, just keep it clean. That's all."

It took me some time to understand the real meaning of it. I just let it go, the traumas and dramas. I never think about it. Never. If something makes me remember some dark things, I change my thoughts immediately. I never read about others' dramas either. I never watch traumatic scenes/movies. I never follow the news, only rarely and the minimum. I love comedies and funny things. I read jokes, I keep company with funny and positive people. It's great.

I love keeping my mind clean. It's very healthy. It took me some years to do this but I enjoy it. As a child and teen I was always happy and my mind was at peace. I went back to my natural state now in my fifties.