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Returning with my best advice. What worked for me.
There are so many good-hearted people on this forum. I’m grateful to have found out about Sarno and this wiki page ten years ago. It truly lifted me through dark days.

I am not without symptom imperative times or new “fears,” but I can say that I progress through those times with more faith and quicker than in the past.

I realize that often when people feel better, they no longer come back to this forum, and that has been a wise approach for me, too, because I’ve had to come to terms with my being suggestible.

However, it is that suggestibility that brings me to offer my best non-professional advice to any who might be interested, or need it. I wish I had taken it for myself a decade ago.

Don’t doom scroll. It’s almost impossible to walk with a foot in each world and let your mind feel secure enough to heal. The illness/injury “pages” and “forums” online that match your symptoms will only create more fear and panic and uncertainty. Unfortunately, they are full of people who have accepted their “fate” and only want sympathizers. There is NO answer there. You’ll never find someone who understands completely.

Leave behind magic and superstitions the best you can. Don’t give power to thinking you have to do a certain thing to improve. For example: wearing specific shoes, copper bracelets, crystals, chair cushions, ace bandages, drinking herbal mixtures, climbing up stairs a certain way…all of it. Whatever you “think” is helping is yet another dependency you are telling your mind that you’re afraid to go without. It’s a relentless spiral. Remember, it’s about you telling your mind that you are safe, not some rose quartz bracelet. (p.s: I love crystals, but have now appreciated them for their beauty and qualities and not as a dependent thing.

Let yourself be you. Listen to TMS advice, but it may not fit your life. For some of us, journaling is needed because our emotions are buried. For others, like me, we’ve ruminated on the hurts and the emotional conditioning of our past way too much. It helped me most to say “I am willing to believe this is 100% psychological.” I would say that about 50 times a day. Be willing! Don’t argue with yourself or others why it can’t be.

When you feel the urge to doom scroll on Dr. Google or some symptom forum/page, instead call up the free and wonderful advice of people available on YouTube, like Dan Buglio’s Pain Free You, Nicole Ferber Sach’s podcasts, Steve Ozanich videos and books, Claire Weeks recordings, and read the posts here on the forum. Many, many wise folks are here.

Scanning for symptoms every day is a habit and for some of us an addiction. Slowly break it. I would turn on a funny or helpful podcast first thing in the morning or late at night when my worries would kick up to high because of symptoms. Eventually, you can break the scanning habit.

If you’re reading this, what you’ve been trying so far isn’t working, right? That’s the place I finally had to get to. Be willing to believe because nothing else has helped so far.

You can get better. Life is happening. Don’t spend more time in a relentless search. You’re the best friend you’ve got. And, let me tell you this: You’re going to be so proud of yourself once you allow the healing. Not every day is going to be a permanent healing, but you’ll know what to do.

Make 2025 the year of moving on.

My best to each one of you,
