1. Our TMS drop-in chat is today (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DST Eastern U.S. (New York). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support. Bonnard is today's host. Click here for more info or just look for the red flag on the menu bar at 3pm Eastern.
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  2. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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How Multi-Generational Stress is Passed On
Oh, Forest….you mentioned something that has saddened my mama's heart. Every time I see my daughter reach for a heating pack ("I slept on my neck wrong!") or the time my boy had severe shin splints (my worst and most persistent TMS symptom), I have thought about the "contagious" aspect of TMS. My oldest, who never complains of pain, developed pink eye…after having had a cold. At the time he HATED his job and even told me he liked being sick so he didn't have to go to work. He got a lesson in TMS at that time. :)

As I work on retraining my brain, I try to speak into my kids as much as possible. Thankfully, they don't have the years of training (complete with the misguided help from so many medical professionals) that I've had and they are more receptive to mindbody connections.