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How to get my mind off the pain
Don't want to sound like a wise-guy but the physical pain is an extension of the psychological part.

One way is to force your attention onto something else because after all you get to direct where you put your attention. If your left leg hurts force your attention onto the right leg (if that feels OK). Think about the tips of your ears? How do they feel? ...you get the idea.

Before I found the TMS concept, I got a lot of relief from self-hypnosis CDs. (Actually I do a LOT of self-hypnosis still, for discomfort but also for lots of other things. It's a direct line into the subconscious which is really where the root cause is)

I used a TENS machine and that gave me relief.

Music (whatever appeals to you) has an amazing power to go directly into your brain.

Sing! Anecdote: I have an acquaintance who has chronic pain and she gets wonderful relief from singing show tunes, very loudly. (I think the singing forces you to breathe and helps the anxiety as well.)

Move, as your body permits. I used to get relief from walking. I realized later I was getting into a meditative state while walking and that helped. Dance and sway around the house, whatever you can do. Something about physical movement breaks the "spell".

That's all I can think of right now. I do so empathize with you. I will second what IrishSceptic said, work the SEP program. It will help. This can get better. Many many of us have been where you are now so you are not alone.

Oh, I just thought of something else, it's called the Betty Technique. Betty, wife of Milton Erickson, used to suffer from anxiety and this is what she did for it. Here's a you tube instructional link:
and here are some how-to notes: http://www.solutionmind.com/tools/54321_technique.html

Good luck!