Hi everyone, I have been absent from the site for while since I was feeling pretty good, but over the last few weeks I've had a few challenges. My story is that I have had fear of developing MS over the past 15 years. I grew up with a mother who was diagnosed with MS when she was 28 til she passed at 51. I understand the connection between my symptoms ( all anxiety) and my trauma from my childhood.
Over the past week I have had a tremendous amount of shoulder/neck tightness that I couldnt shake. I was searching on how to release muscle tension and I stumbled upon TRE (Tension Release Exercises) Basically you do a half dozen simple exercises that put your body into a tremor state that moves from your legs to your head resetting your muscles and eliminating tension. I have tried this 4 times and when finished feel refreshed and tension free...until my thoughts cause new tension.![]()
The link below talks about the science of TRE.
https://traumaprevention.com/what-is-tre/ (Tension, Stress and Trauma Release : TRE® – What is TRE®)
The link below is a video of a woman showing how to do TRE and is a quick course before you buy the book or DVD.
TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK...I am not a doctor or affiliated with traumaprevention.com.
good luck and I hope these links help !
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