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Show anger in real or in your mind
Actually, I have a whole different approach to this problem because I really believe this is my core problem of TMS. I could never, in the last analysis, safely discharge my anger. The answer, for me, lies in understanding the spiritual truth of anger. First, what anger really is is FEAR. The angry person is really fearful because he/she is under the mind illusion that he/she has been threatened by something outside of oneself. So anger can be defined as fear with a large dollop of self-righteousness heaped on top. This is illusory because negative emotions are never really caused by something outside of ourselves. Negative emotions are born inside of the sufferer because the sufferer has mistaken his own mind's negative projection as something separate from him/her coming back at him/her from the environment. So when you look at someone who you think has made you angry, what you really see is a mind illusion of that person making you angry. What you see is a mirror of your own mind's negativity. And the true cause of your anger is that you have bumped up against the limit of your current understanding, which you are resisting. It is this resistance to what is happening in the present moment that is causing the negative reaction in your mind that we call fear and anger. If, in the moment you get angry, you would see what is really happening and realize that, if only you would say to yourself "I am tempted to get angry, so I have reached the limit of my current understanding and if I choose the option of broadening my understanding, thus lifting my current limitations, I would have no need of being angry". Then, in that moment, I would be able to see that I have in fact been presented wit 2 options, not one. I can get angry or I can exercise my other spiritual option of seeing in the moment that I am being offered the chance to choose, through increased understanding, the healthier, better option of being willing to step out of my current limitation that tempts me to become angry. I can accomplish this by cultivating greater compassion and patience with myself and my fellow human beings. Angry people never see this other option.

I have no doubt that once one gets angry, one does damage to oneself. It does not matter what you do with the anger that you have created. You can repress it or express it. If you repress it, you will probably get sick. If you express it, you will become a lunatic for all to see. One is just as bad as the other. No one will like it. But if we can see that we only experience anger or fear because, in the moment, we don't understand the nature of it, along with the nature of our own understanding, we will never chose to do damage to ourselves and others (which are not separate anyway) by embracing and being taken over by the concept of anger.

Anger must bee seen for what it is and simply dropped. Truly healthy people in body and mind do not experience much anger, only the fleeting moment of being tempted, in the moment, to chose the wrong option. They have mastered the ability to replace the temptation to become angry with increased patience, compassion and understanding.

Believe me, I am really struggling with this, but it is the only true path.