I think I have a unique perspective on your situation since last June I had RFA performed on my left SI joint. Prior to ablation, I had the required diagnostic block too. The diagnostic block was sort of a joke because after the procedure I was told to take 10 steps to see if I had a reduction in pain. The placebo effect kicked in and I told them "yes, I'm pretty sure my pain is reduced." I was under a lot of pressure to go ahead and schedule the RFA because my insurance was changing to a different company, plus I had already met my high deductable and copay for the year. I'll be happy to private message you with the details of the procedure, but the condensed version is: it was very, very, painful since I was given no pain medication during or after the procedure (only a numbing agent) and most importantly....it didn't work. I didn't know about TMS last summer or I would not have subjected myself to this procedure (or to the 7 epidurals I endured prior to RFA). This is my personal experience. I know there are lots of folks on various message boards that claim fabulous healing after RFA. Ultimately, the decision is yours. Best of luck to you whatever decision you make.
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