Thank you so much for sharing your story. I hung on every detail and cringed when you mentioned having RFA. I had a terrible experience having RFA on my left SI joint.
About a year after my back pain started in 2014, I began to have shooting pains in both feet (between the big toe and second toe). The first two toes on each foot were numb as well. A visit to a Podiatrist and Osteopath yielded no information. The Osteopath said it was probably due to my incredibly flat feet. It made no sense because I'd had flat feet for 54 years and they'd never hurt before. The pain started after an EMG. I guess my brain didn't like having needles stuck in my feet - which is strange since I love acupuncture. Night after night, I would soak my feet in Epsom salts and rub them down with various pain relieving ointments. None of it helped - I just wanted to feel like I was doing something. This continued for almost a year. It was a dark time. I was battling excruciating lower back pain, feet pain, buttock pain, and sciatica while working full time and attempting to have a life. In January 2017, I discovered TMS and this Wiki. I read everything I could get my hands on about TMS. I completed the SEP and have been working on the arduous process of rediscovering how to feel my emotions and stop expecting myself to always be perfect.
I wish I could say I am totally healed, but I'm not. I still have lower back pain, and now the foot pain has moved to my shoulder. However, I try to walk barefoot at least a few hours each day. Feeling the ground underneath my feet without having pain is a blessing I will never take for granted. I used to think my flat feet and monkey toes were ugly. Now, I think they are beautiful.
Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: Notice