You (and your wife) may find Yin Yoga more appealing. It is sometimes called Serenity Yoga because it induces such calm and peace and is so gentle and passive you can practice some poses in bed. There's no need to do routines, one pose is enough as it works very deeply. My hubby has Parkinson's and is not as fit or flexible as he would like to be yet he does his own version during the night when his body is at its most recalcitrant.
The most beautiful aspect of Yin is the way it profoundly calms the nervous system. I find Shavasana and meditation a breeze after a Yin session. My body naturally wants to assimate the goodness and my mind is serene.
Here is a link to the YouTube channel of the gorgeous soul I follow:
I've been doing her courses and following her YouTube channel for a couple of years now and I credit it with a large measure of my healing.
Plum x
Edit: Here's the link to the Yin Yoga part of Kassandra's channel:
Yin Yoga Classes - All levels: (Yin Yoga Classes - All levels - YouTube)
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