1. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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Our TMS drop-in chat is tomorrow (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern (US Daylight Time). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support, with Bonnard as your host. Look for the red Chat flag on top of the menu bar!

Ask A Question

This Q & A is integrated with the Tell Me About Your Pain podcast, so we're focusing on questions about topics covered in one of the episodes

Please leave your forum username or email address to allow the answering therapist to contact you to request additional information should they wish to do so. Contact information entered here will be visible only to therapists and staff.

Thank you for participating in the Tell Me About Your Pain Q&A program!