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Barb M.
Last Activity:
Dec 24, 2021
Jan 10, 2015
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Feb 1, 1962 (Age: 63)
Home Page:
Jefferson City, Missouri
psychologist, writer

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Barb M.

Peer Supporter, Female, 63, from Jefferson City, Missouri

Thank you for this site! I had a better week thanks to the support here. Jan 17, 2015

Barb M. was last seen:
Dec 24, 2021
  • My Story

    Written on Jan. 10, 2015 in the forum to introduce myself...

    My brief synopsis – I am a 52-year-old psychologist. I have had lots and lots of computer use – written four books, dissertation, etc. During a period of very heavy typing I started having what I thought were carpal tunnel symptoms. My story sounds much like other people's on here with RSI. Saw lots of doctors, had lots of PT, and ended up with a cervical spinal fusion. It did nothing to help me, and I have gotten worse over the years. I now only work part time, not by choice, but because my pain limits me. Lately, I have been extra worried and think maybe I can't work at all. I have an appointment with a neurologist in a week and a half, only because my husband urged me to make it. I have waited six months for the appointment, so I guess I will keep it. But I don't have a lot of hope. My husband is also psychologist, and a long time ago worked in the pain management center – long before all of my pain problems. He actually did not like Dr. Sarno's books and discouraged me from that line of thinking. I think he feels like I am minimizing my pain by going that route. I'm trying to explain things a little bit more to him, because I feel like I need him on board. Thank you for this great resource! I can't believe how much information is on here. I'm not sure which program to try first. I have had this pain for about nine years, and I kind of don't think I'm going to be one of the lucky ones who can just read a book and make it go away. I also have a long history of depression and anxiety and have every personality characteristic that is listed as going along with TMS. I just found a therapist/counselor who actually seems interested in exploring this avenue with me.

    3/14/2015 Update: neurologist did Nerve Conduction/EMG and found bilateral carpal tunnel... said "It's not that bad but the surgery is so easy and I think it will take care of 90% of your pain. I don't believe it, but it's still slowing my progress in applying this approach.
    1. jerryg57
      hi-- i see dr chan--skype --- she is really insightful
    2. Barb M.
      Barb M.
      Thank you for this site! I had a better week thanks to the support here.
      1. Forest likes this.
      2. Forest
        That's great to hear. Whose posts do you think helped you the most? There are so many wonderful commenters here.
        Jan 18, 2015
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  • My Story

    Feb 1, 1962 (Age: 63)
    Home Page:
    Jefferson City, Missouri
    psychologist, writer
    Written on Jan. 10, 2015 in the forum to introduce myself...

    My brief synopsis – I am a 52-year-old psychologist. I have had lots and lots of computer use – written four books, dissertation, etc. During a period of very heavy typing I started having what I thought were carpal tunnel symptoms. My story sounds much like other people's on here with RSI. Saw lots of doctors, had lots of PT, and ended up with a cervical spinal fusion. It did nothing to help me, and I have gotten worse over the years. I now only work part time, not by choice, but because my pain limits me. Lately, I have been extra worried and think maybe I can't work at all. I have an appointment with a neurologist in a week and a half, only because my husband urged me to make it. I have waited six months for the appointment, so I guess I will keep it. But I don't have a lot of hope. My husband is also psychologist, and a long time ago worked in the pain management center – long before all of my pain problems. He actually did not like Dr. Sarno's books and discouraged me from that line of thinking. I think he feels like I am minimizing my pain by going that route. I'm trying to explain things a little bit more to him, because I feel like I need him on board. Thank you for this great resource! I can't believe how much information is on here. I'm not sure which program to try first. I have had this pain for about nine years, and I kind of don't think I'm going to be one of the lucky ones who can just read a book and make it go away. I also have a long history of depression and anxiety and have every personality characteristic that is listed as going along with TMS. I just found a therapist/counselor who actually seems interested in exploring this avenue with me.

    3/14/2015 Update: neurologist did Nerve Conduction/EMG and found bilateral carpal tunnel... said "It's not that bad but the surgery is so easy and I think it will take care of 90% of your pain. I don't believe it, but it's still slowing my progress in applying this approach.


    Kindness changes everything.