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Boston Redsox
Sep 29, 2014
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Wakefield Ma
Project Manager @ ACS HVAC

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Boston Redsox

Well Known Member, Male, from Wakefield Ma

Still on my journey after 10 yrs , not giving up hope I will never quit. Jun 25, 2020

  • My Story

    Well it all started I guess when I caught my wife by accident having 1 of here many affairs. After I confronted here with this I started having terrible stomach pain that last over 6 months without no known cause. So after a treatment of stomach acids rest and diet still pain got worse. Went to hospital they gave me a endoscope and colonoscapy. While waiting on for these test results I started getting numbness and pain in my face hands and feet. Once the test can back negative the stomach pain was gone and the nerve pain began more test more doctors and still nothing. Shortly after found out that my dad had terminal cancer and my son was very ill.
    Fastforward my wife still having affairs in was to side track with taking of my son and father as I continue to be heavley medicated and fighting threw everyday not taking care or worring about myself or my marriage. More pain more doctors. Fast forward my father passes....my son recovered and infidelity continues not caring about what she was doing I found tms and started my journey. First time I started I read read and read did the work books the SEP. And nothing changed pain got worse and worse. So I dumped tms for a couple of years still thinking physical. Back on meds for a couple of more years. Wife I guess stopped having affairs which I fooled myself in not caring about wether she did or not. More test more meds and still no help. Woke up one morning, and said I am ready to take care of myself so that was last Sept I am off all my meds , at the gym,yoga,or running everyday confronted my wife for a divorce or get help she chose divorce . its at a stand still because I told her I will not give her a dime in alimony ,she can have half of everything but not the second half of my life. Stop watching the calendar took a break from journaling ...( I only journal when something is troubling me). Think psychological love the phrase or the example from Dr Sopher . I stopped filling my river of rage with more rage. I forgive and most importantly I have quieted my mind at least 40% less chatter shooting for 100 someday.
    This was the cliff note version.
    10 Yrs have past from the beginning on this journey and sad to say I am still trying to get to the end of this tms maze..Did some TMS therapy was really no help ...I also feel a couple of session are enough, see a Dr Shrink if there is really dark issues this is my opinion . TMS therapy is ver repetive nothing you can't learn from watching some podcast , they do help you with not falling back in the rabbit hole fear. Anyway still had it not giving up.
    1. Boston Redsox
      Boston Redsox
      Still on my journey after 10 yrs , not giving up hope I will never quit.
    2. 0208mad
      Please please someone advise I am close to not being able to cope. I think I would be better off dead. I'm scared and frightened almost all the time. I just want it to STOP.
    3. 0208mad
      Hi I am new to this forum but stuck Ina lonely lonely place. Long story short, started having burning pain in my back 2 years ago. It has now spread down my back down my arms and down my legs. Been to 5 neurologists had MRI sooo many blood tests and even a skin biopsy for small fibre neuropathy but everything clear. I've been told it'anxiety.
      1. 0208mad
        Have moved this to the open forum. Sorry seems like I posted in the wrong place :-(
        Nov 12, 2016
    4. nelle
      i had very bad stomach pain 7 years ago that lasted over a year . I lost so much weight i could hardly eat anything .I had acid tablets all the tests went on special diets. .It all happened as a long term relationship ended . i think time helped me recover .Have you done the TMS wiki ? .
      1. Boston Redsox
        Boston Redsox
        I have done the Sep 2 times it was useful to educate myself about my emotions and tms
        Aug 13, 2016
    5. Maribel
      My husband was on internet porno - that started me is a TMS spin with a bento addiction compliments of the corrupt medical system!
    6. snoopy196365
      Do you get ringing in your ears too???
      1. Boston Redsox
        Jun 15, 2016
      2. Maribel
        The question I asked myself why of all men possible did I choose this one? For I can leave the marriage but if I don't answer truthfully this question i will find myself another guy like that! I am now on the Nice Lady - abused wife trail which is leading me to my mum and what I learned from her!
        Aug 9, 2016
    7. Janine28
      Parallel stories with son's illness. So happy both of our sons are doing well. I also did not take care of myself during his illness. Kept thinking, it doesn't matter how much pain my back is in, I just have to ignore all my physical and emotional pain and focus on my son's recovery. Thanks for sharing your story. Best to you!
    8. giantsfan
      Wow, Boston Redsox... those are some really difficult things you've gone through. My father had similar happen to him and it saddens and sickens me what my mother did. You're a brave man to have to go through all that and I hope the best for you on your journey!
      1. Boston Redsox
        Boston Redsox
        I take it moment by moment…thx for your words
        Feb 12, 2016
    9. Boston Redsox
      Boston Redsox
      Pain,Anxiety, Fear… if you take care of one of them do you take care of all of them ?
      1. mike2014
        I'd say take fear out of the equation and your preoccupation with pain and anxiety will diminish. I'm curious to know other people's thoughts.
        Dec 24, 2015
      2. giantsfan
        I agree with Mike, neutralize the fear and the anxiety and pain will diminish.
        Feb 11, 2016
        mike2014 likes this.
    10. Boston Redsox
      Boston Redsox
      If you resist it will persist ……
      1. PamD likes this.
    11. Boston Redsox
      Boston Redsox
      Here for the long haul
    12. Boston Redsox
      Boston Redsox
      Yup lol. Let me ask forest who is a tms dr or therapist in Boston area
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  • My Story

    Wakefield Ma
    Project Manager @ ACS HVAC
    Neuropathy of unknown orgin
    Well it all started I guess when I caught my wife by accident having 1 of here many affairs. After I confronted here with this I started having terrible stomach pain that last over 6 months without no known cause. So after a treatment of stomach acids rest and diet still pain got worse. Went to hospital they gave me a endoscope and colonoscapy. While waiting on for these test results I started getting numbness and pain in my face hands and feet. Once the test can back negative the stomach pain was gone and the nerve pain began more test more doctors and still nothing. Shortly after found out that my dad had terminal cancer and my son was very ill.
    Fastforward my wife still having affairs in was to side track with taking of my son and father as I continue to be heavley medicated and fighting threw everyday not taking care or worring about myself or my marriage. More pain more doctors. Fast forward my father passes....my son recovered and infidelity continues not caring about what she was doing I found tms and started my journey. First time I started I read read and read did the work books the SEP. And nothing changed pain got worse and worse. So I dumped tms for a couple of years still thinking physical. Back on meds for a couple of more years. Wife I guess stopped having affairs which I fooled myself in not caring about wether she did or not. More test more meds and still no help. Woke up one morning, and said I am ready to take care of myself so that was last Sept I am off all my meds , at the gym,yoga,or running everyday confronted my wife for a divorce or get help she chose divorce . its at a stand still because I told her I will not give her a dime in alimony ,she can have half of everything but not the second half of my life. Stop watching the calendar took a break from journaling ...( I only journal when something is troubling me). Think psychological love the phrase or the example from Dr Sopher . I stopped filling my river of rage with more rage. I forgive and most importantly I have quieted my mind at least 40% less chatter shooting for 100 someday.
    This was the cliff note version.
    10 Yrs have past from the beginning on this journey and sad to say I am still trying to get to the end of this tms maze..Did some TMS therapy was really no help ...I also feel a couple of session are enough, see a Dr Shrink if there is really dark issues this is my opinion . TMS therapy is ver repetive nothing you can't learn from watching some podcast , they do help you with not falling back in the rabbit hole fear. Anyway still had it not giving up.


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