Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/Dismiss Notice
Eugene's Bookmarks
Bookmark Note: Excellent brief plan for TMS
AnitaV's post from thread: My TMS Recovery Plan
Loading...Hi everyone. I have shared my story of recovery in the following thread:...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Jul 10, 2017 -
Bookmark Note: Good advice
ezer's post from thread: Pelvic Pain - Healed
Loading...Hello everyone, I suffered from chronic pelvic pain since 2002. I fell on a wet marble floor and...
Forum: Success Stories Subforum
Bookmark Date: Aug 14, 2017 -
Bookmark Note: Why discomfort in certain areas
Daniel G Lyman LCSW's post from thread: Daniel L. Why does tms affect the worst places?
Loading...Important question! Alex is 100% correct. TMS symptoms often times “settle” in a place that is...
Forum: Ask a TMS Therapist
Bookmark Date: Aug 7, 2017 -
Bookmark Note: Inspirational
Laleah Shoo Shoo's post from thread: New Program Day 3: Identifying the Source
Loading...Hi Paul, I suffered incredibly many, many years ago...with complete loss of balance, falling...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Jul 14, 2017