Thank you Ellen, I am journaling and also doing a gratitude list.There are many things to be thankful for.
Encouragement please. I am struggling at the moment with back spasms and nerve pain which is a lot more intense than normal.I have been exercising...
How ironic that I should receive an alert when I woke up with the worst back pain I have ever had.Fortunately I went out for a coffee and it went...
I had an appt with my GP AGAIN to discuss my Chest X-ray and to have a breathing test(spirometry).Seeng this has been a problem for me (shortness...
Diana, One of the reasons I moved into a village (retirement) is for this very reason of family not being here when I need them.They spend 3...
I am more aware of my feelings but am confused with what to do with my thoughts. I was bought up to be competitive in every way possible ,or so I...
Update. I had an appointment with my GP to get the results of my chest X-ray.Nothing remarkable showed up.I was diagnosed with COPD 3years ago...
BloodMoon -I am also an introvert,plus a perfectionist.I meet friends here for a coffee twice a week in out coffee lounge ,then the rest of the...
Jan and Bloodmoon. Well I had a very pleasant meal and time with my grandchildren.I approached it by saying jokingly ‘well you girls didn’t come...
I am pleased for you.It is a scary time but the old saying’one day at a time ‘ makes it easier.
Thank you BloodMoon no I hadn’t asked them ,and in hindsight I should have.I tend to be ‘a bit backward in coming forward ‘. They are leaving...
Sorry for this pity party I am having. I have the opposite of people going out of their home.I have to go out every day in the morning either to...
Jan , I can’t recall exactly where I saw that comment but it was on the forum’Ask a Therapist’
Thanks Cactusflower. Yes I will definitely get a referral to see the respiratory physician I saw in 2022.I have read Claire Weekes’s books and...
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