Hi, long story short - I've had forearm pain for years now, but also in other parts (knees mostly). It has all gotten better, but sadly not at...
Hi Jan, thanks for replying. Yeah I was beating myself up amidst all that, I am much better now (mentally at least). I reached out to a friend...
Hi, I've had chronic pain for a long time, but long story short - I know the issues I've had were just that - pain with no real structural...
Hey man, nice to see you've made progress. what was your doctors diagnosis other than RSI and how did your symptoms manifest?
I'm no expert on TMS, but from my understanding you need to return to all activities before the pain goes away.
What made you think it's more real?
Hey dude, I mean, you need to allow yourself to feel whatever you feel. If you feel like crying, go for it and don't feel bad about it. You need...
Can Gilmore's Groin/Athletic Pubalgia be seen on MRI, ultrasound or xray? As for your first question, I don't know, you have to answer that...
Sounds like TMS. What was going in your life 7 months ago? Did anything out of the usual happen?
Update: I did my first session of shockwave therapy. They did an ultrasound of my elbow considering how strange my symptoms are. My tendon is a...
Well, I don't know what else to tell you other than read as much as you can about TMS and explore possible hidden rage sources. You have all the...
Okay, what about tension? Are you stressed? Were there any big events in your life when the pain started? Also, this is not really the TMS way...
When did your pain begin? How did it begin? Does your neck hurt when you lie down and watch TV or do you have to sleep? Do any movements cause pain?
Separate names with a comma.