I did the structured program on this wiki to begin with and after I finished that program and still experiencing TMS pain, I dove into Unlearn...
Hi rsiman! TMS doctors and coaches all charge different prices. Don't give up on the tms relief if Sarno's book didn't work for you. I found that...
Lainey! Thanks for opening this thread up again - I looked at those gorgeous photos and felt my heart opening!
ps - it took me about 8 months to get solid relief from TMS - Everyone is different and part of the process is start dropping the attachment to...
Hello Matt! I'm not going to address you as TMS Matt - because that identity is ON ITS WAY OUT!! Your post reminded me of myself as I diligently...
Adventureseeker... Enthusiasm is KEY! I can second Walt's feedback that you're making progress. I have been saved by the TMS recovery work and in...
Hi Freeange... I don't really have the answer because I have had to deal with this also. I found that Schubiner's program and Claire Weeks really...
Thanks for your sharing Miss Metta... I'm sorry you lost your pet - its always so hard to lose them!! I commend your efforts to not drink through...
I think it completely depends on the individual. I have friends who can drink coffee all day long and not be affected. For me, I have to limit...
Love seeing the stats on the TMS Wiki success. I loved the info on the trolls - it helps me be aware of my own reactions when inflammatory stuff...
Hi Mike, Sending prayers to ease your aching heart. Loss is never easy.
What a great exercise that I have to do EVERYDAY!! Thanks for this recap Walt!
wow - wonderful progress already 'readyforjoy'!!! This forum is so full of resources, love and support. It was at least 50% responsible for my...
Hi Kalo! I can totally relate to wanting the mindfulness to work right away!! Especially when there is pain! Becoming aware of the inner dialogue...
Separate names with a comma.