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Feb 25, 2022
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South Carolina

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Newcomer, Female, from South Carolina

In my story—should be L cheek, not R Mar 1, 2022

  • My Story

    Hello. I’ve had almost 6 years (8-8-16 sudden onset) of L sided facial pain, L gum pain, L tongue pain and L facial and L mouth numbness. (Numbness affects L eye and L ear at times) Alternating sensations, very annoying muscle twitching, painful pressure, numbness ranging from tolerable to painful. Atypical presentation of TN. Continuous pain and numbness every minute awake. No “lightning bolts”. Does not hurt to touch face. Worsened by sweet or acidic foods touching inside R cheek or smiling,chewing,talking. Have seen many specialists and had various treatments (acupuncture, massage, crystals, you name it). MRI/all tests negative. I have prayed for guidance and relief. Have (very slowly) discontinued Gabapentin (large doses for over 4 years) during the last 6 months because it didn’t seem to help and side effects weren’t fun. Using Curable app and all associated info platforms for several months. Have read “The Way Out” and Dr Sarno’s book. I keep up with podcasts of Dr Stracks and Schubiner. I feel like I might be slowly getting somewhere.
    I catastrophize less, feel more positive, and in the last two days, have mostly experienced “only” uncomfortable numbness with less “pain”.
    It’s hard to “cram” all I’ve experienced, and all the things I’ve tried to relieve my pain, into a short post. It’s been a very, very rough 6 years. I don’t want to lose any more time to this pain.
    I am concentrating on mind/body approach totally now. And still praying, of course. I wish relief to everyone with chronic pain.
    1. pptaylor
      In my story—should be L cheek, not R
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  • My Story

    South Carolina
    Atypical trigeminal neuralgia
    Hello. I’ve had almost 6 years (8-8-16 sudden onset) of L sided facial pain, L gum pain, L tongue pain and L facial and L mouth numbness. (Numbness affects L eye and L ear at times) Alternating sensations, very annoying muscle twitching, painful pressure, numbness ranging from tolerable to painful. Atypical presentation of TN. Continuous pain and numbness every minute awake. No “lightning bolts”. Does not hurt to touch face. Worsened by sweet or acidic foods touching inside R cheek or smiling,chewing,talking. Have seen many specialists and had various treatments (acupuncture, massage, crystals, you name it). MRI/all tests negative. I have prayed for guidance and relief. Have (very slowly) discontinued Gabapentin (large doses for over 4 years) during the last 6 months because it didn’t seem to help and side effects weren’t fun. Using Curable app and all associated info platforms for several months. Have read “The Way Out” and Dr Sarno’s book. I keep up with podcasts of Dr Stracks and Schubiner. I feel like I might be slowly getting somewhere.
    I catastrophize less, feel more positive, and in the last two days, have mostly experienced “only” uncomfortable numbness with less “pain”.
    It’s hard to “cram” all I’ve experienced, and all the things I’ve tried to relieve my pain, into a short post. It’s been a very, very rough 6 years. I don’t want to lose any more time to this pain.
    I am concentrating on mind/body approach totally now. And still praying, of course. I wish relief to everyone with chronic pain.