Thank you!!!
I dreamt of the day I could write a success story on any online forum and after all of the skepticism I once had about Dr. Sarno, I can't believe...
this is very insightful. thank you for sharing. I have definitely been trying not to internalize their words and I am beginning to recognize where...
Thanks for sharing! I will give this a shot
Thank you so much for your advice. You're right. At times, I feel the emotional turmoil my family puts me through is far worse than the physical...
I have been working hard to deal with TMS and have seen improvements. This week, I typed for 7 hours, 4 days in a row, without any aids and did...
Wow, TG957! This is incredibly useful advice! I am amazed by how similar your story is to mine. I have inboxed you in hopes we may discuss this...
HI Baseball65, Thank you for sharing your personal experience! This is definitely helpful. So, just to clarify, would you say it is a bad idea to...
Hi Pj, Thank you for your reply! I think you are definitely right in that to get rid of the pain, I need to focus on reducing fear, regardless of...
Hello all, Convinced I had carpal tunnel, I wore wrist braces for 3-4 years while typing, sometimes up to 24 hours/day. Now, I know my hand pain...
love the positive attitude. Any updates?
Hi Jules, Congrats on working various jobs and overcoming your fears. This is a huge accomplishment in and of itself! Did you experience RSI...
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